Keep up with my latest blog posts below! Find everything you need to know about navigating teen life, personal development, wellness and setting yourself up for success!

Lifestyle Mia Ginger Lifestyle Mia Ginger

16 Habits That Will Help You Become A Better Friend!

One important thing I’ve learnt throughout my entire 14-year life, is the importance of friends and friendship.

When you’re down, your friends should be the first people asking you if you’re okay and listening to you rant about your problems.

When you’re at your best, they should be the ones cheering you on from the sidelines, making fun of you in any blank moment.

They should make you laugh, make you smile, push you, inspire you, and teach you something new every single day.

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Lifestyle Mia Ginger Lifestyle Mia Ginger

Must-Have Travel Essentials To Pack For Your Next Trip!

When it comes to travelling, there's nothing easy about it. While planning for a trip is often exciting and exhilarating, all the stress seems to kick in when it comes to packing. Is it just me?

Ever since I was a kid, packing for a trip, whether it was a day-trip, sleepover or full on holiday, was one of the most stressful things! I found myself writing massive winding lists of everything I could possibly think of needing, only to realise once we got there that I’d forgotten a bunch of stuff we needed and had squashed my suitcase shut full of unnecessary crap! Anyone else relate?

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Lifestyle Mia Ginger Lifestyle Mia Ginger

100 Things To Do When You’re Bored!

Isn’t relaxing great!?

Experiencing the feeling of having nothing to do, and being able to sit around all day binging netflix, watching youtube and playing video games can be such a relief!

However, while getting a break from busy, productive, stressful and exhausting everyday life can be a real blessing, I could only think of one thing worse than doing just that. Being bored.

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Lifestyle Mia Ginger Lifestyle Mia Ginger

My 5am School Day Morning Routine!

I’ve always been a huge fan and strict follower of routine and habit. For years now, I’ve followed the same schedule each and every day in order to maximise my day, and everything I do throughout it.

Creating a morning routine, in my opinion, is all about finding what works for you. This post today is just a fun way for you to get to know me better, and does not in any way mean using this routine, ESPECIALLY if you're no morning person.

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Lifestyle Mia Ginger Lifestyle Mia Ginger

The Art Of Getting What You Want!

Everyone has dreams and desires in their lives, it’s a given. Whether they’re desires for today, wishes for tomorrow, or dreams you hope to come true in years from now, it's inevitable that we want something seemingly impossible to attain.

However, it doesn’t need to be that way. If you look at the people in the world and everything they’ve achieved, it’s easy to say (in my opinion) that anything is possible.

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Lifestyle Mia Ginger Lifestyle Mia Ginger

How To Declutter Your Bedroom!

I vividly remember during 2017 or 2018, when I’d finally had enough of my bedroom.

It was a Sunday morning, and I quite literally remember throwing everything of mine onto the ground, and spending the entire day reorganizing my bedroom.

If I’m being honest, I think that was the first moment when I decided to change my life and my entire lifestyle.

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Lifestyle Mia Ginger Lifestyle Mia Ginger

How To Be More Sustainable!

For Gen Z specifically, over the past few years, we have become so knowledgeable and motivated to change the previous generations' ways, in order to make a better world for our children, and their children to follow.

Everything we do in our day-to-day lives impacts the environment, often for worse rather than better. Today, I’ll be talking about ‘17 Ways To Be More Sustainable’ throughout our everyday lives, in order to look after and preserve our planet.

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School, Lifestyle Mia Ginger School, Lifestyle Mia Ginger

15 Things I’ve Learned From Being A Teenager!

Being a teen in the 21st century is really weird, to say the least. While today, I stand tall (quite literally!) As a 14 year old girl in Year 9 of high school, I remember and often reminisce about times before life became so complicated.

In today’s blog post, I’m going to be talking about a bunch of random things that I’ve learned from being a teenager!

Many of these tips have shaped me for the rest of my life and have helped me become the person I am today.

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Lifestyle, Health Mia Ginger Lifestyle, Health Mia Ginger

15 Things To Do Every Night Before Bed!

Getting a good night's sleep is essential to our physical and mental health.

While we spend approximately one third of our life sleeping, for many, they still ignore and lack acknowledgement of the importance of sleep.

Sleep benefits us in almost every way; boosting and optimizing all aspects of our life. Lack of sleep, on the other hand, does the complete opposite.

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Lifestyle Mia Ginger Lifestyle Mia Ginger

75 Motivational Quotes To Inspire You To Success!

Do you ever feel like you’re on the verge of giving up? That the feeling of burnout and discouragement is consuming you, as you struggle to push yourself to the next level of your life?

If you can relate, then you’re probably here for one reason… You Need Motivation!

Motivational quotes help you reach your utmost potential each day. They allow us to thrive and move forward, leaving behind our past and negative emotions.

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Lifestyle Mia Ginger Lifestyle Mia Ginger

My Top 100 Bucket List Ideas!

A couple days ago, I came across a bucket list that I created in June, 2019, and honestly, It inspired me to write this blog post today.

I live everyday like it's my last; that's just the way I subconsciously look at my life.

If I were to die today, would I be happy with the way I ended my conversations, said goodbye and ‘love you’ to those closest to me, and the way I strived to achieve my goals?

Those are some of the questions that run through my head.

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Lifestyle Mia Ginger Lifestyle Mia Ginger

The Unwritten Rules Of Girl Code!

Girl code is the unwritten set of rules and ethics set by girls, for girls. They are, quite simply, the DO’s and DON’Ts of friendships between best friends, as well as strangers.

In today’s society, where we are constantly surrounded by danger, it is so important to support and look out for other girls! It is the bond, that we as women, all share one another, by showing our support and friendship.

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Lifestyle, Health Mia Ginger Lifestyle, Health Mia Ginger

How To Love Yourself!

In this day and age of social media and judgement, it can be super freaking hard to love yourself.

You are told by society that you are beautiful, then told by society that you need to change your body.

You are told by society to be confident and expressive, then told by society to cover up and stop asking for it.

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Lifestyle Mia Ginger Lifestyle Mia Ginger

18 Morning Habits To Start The Day Right!

Your morning routine sets the tone for the rest of your day. While some days you wake up feeling calm, alert and enthusiastic, others you feel in dread, annoyed and sleepy.

Now, let me ask you; Do you have a morning routine filled with simple daily habits? And do those habits make you feel good or bad?

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Health, Lifestyle Mia Ginger Health, Lifestyle Mia Ginger

How To Apply Gratitude To Your Life!

Life is short; It’s something we don’t realise until there's not much left of it.

As the days, weeks, months and years fly by, many of us easily get caught up in the excitement of day to day life, and forget to stop and show appreciation for each moment they have been given.

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Lifestyle Mia Ginger Lifestyle Mia Ginger

How To Be More Productive!

Do you ever feel like your to-do list for the day is getting longer and longer while the hours are becoming shorter and shorter?

With our busy lives as teenagers and young adults, balancing our work, school, social and home life can be a real struggle.

This makes you think; there MUST be other ways to be more productive!

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Lifestyle Mia Ginger Lifestyle Mia Ginger

10 Tips To Make Your New Year’s Resolution Stick!

The start of a new year is the perfect time to turn to a new page and start a new chapter of your life. For many, this means a healthier, happier and more active life.

Despite it only making the difference of one day, for many, the new year feels like a fresh start and the perfect opportunity to change themselves for the better!

However, many resolutions are better said than done, as most of us have already gone back to our old ways within a few weeks!

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Lifestyle Mia Ginger Lifestyle Mia Ginger

The Best 25 New Year’s Resolutions Ideas For 2021!

After the year we’ve all had in 2020, everyone is looking for a new start in 2021, myself included.

With the holiday season having begun, now is your chance to sit down and evaluate your life choices, and to put together a list of lifestyle changes that you want to implement in the new year!

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Lifestyle Mia Ginger Lifestyle Mia Ginger

75 Random Acts Of Kindness!!!

Have you ever noticed how much a single act of kindness can positively affect your entire day?

After the year we’ve had, everyone is looking for a restart in 2021, myself included. 

And in my opinion, I think it’s really important that we start 2021 on a positive note!

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