My Top 100 Bucket List Ideas!

A couple days ago, I came across a bucket list that I created in June, 2019, and honestly, It inspired me to write this blog post today.

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I live everyday like it's my last; that's just the way I subconsciously look at my life. If I were to die today, would I be happy with the way I ended my conversations, said goodbye and β€˜love you’ to those closest to me, and the way I strived to achieve my goals? Those are some of the questions that run through my head. 

As I was researching this post, I also came across some quotes that I think really resonate with me and my perspectives on life, especially regarding this topic.

β€œDie with memories, not with dreams.” -Unknown

β€œEvery man dies - not every man really lives.” -William Ross

β€œOne day your life will flash before your eyes, make sure it’s worth watching.” -Unknown

These are my top 100 bucket list ideas. Enjoy!

What Exactly Is A Bucket List?

A bucket list is a collection of goals, dreams and aspirations that you want to achieve and accomplish within your lifetime. It is created in order to keep track of your goals and take steps to achieving these goals in order to maximize the incredible experiences in your life. 

Why Should You Make One?

When we don’t live every day working towards our biggest goals and aspirations, we tend to get swallowed up in day-to-day tasks of life. Every single day begins to mix and become blurred amongst all the others, since nothing is happening to make these days stand out. 

While it is morbid, try thinking about it this way: If you were to die today, would the things you are doing now, and things you are planning to do have any significance in your life?

Having a bucket list reminds you of what is important to you, and allows you to consciously work towards accomplishing your goals.

My Top 100 Bucket List Ideas:

Listed below are my top 100 bucket list ideas! Anything that resonates with you, or that you would like to consider adding to your bucket list, please write it down! Then, later on, you can compile your own bucket list! It only takes Β½ an hour! Let’s go!

Bucket List Ideas For Travelling:

1.Travel The World

2. Visit The Great Pyramid of Giza In Egypt

3. Visit The Great Wall Of China

4. Visit The ruins of Petra In Jordan

5. Visit The Colosseum In Rome

6. Visit Chichen Itza In Yucatan, Mexico

7. Visit Machu Picchu In Cuzco, Peru

8. Visit Taj Mahal In Uttar Pradesh, India

9. Visit Christ the Redeemer In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

10. Visit Los Angeles

11. Visit New York

12. Visit Paris 

13. Visit London

14. Visit Tokyo

15. Swim In The Great Barrier Reef

16. Road Trip Across America

17. Visit The Grand Canyon

18. Go To Disneyland

19. Go On A Cruise 

20. See The Northern Lights

Bucket List Adventures:

21. See Uluru

22. Go To Mardi Gras

23. Go To Coachella

24. Go Whale Watching 

25. Climb A Mountain 

26. Ride In A Hot Air Balloon 

27. Fly In A Helicopter

28. Attend An Olympics 

29. Make A Snow Angel

30. Fly First Class

31. Go On A Safari

32. Go Skydiving

33. Ride A Horse

34. Experience A Sunrise/Sunset

35. Swim With Dolphins

Bucket List Ideas For Health (Mental, Physical and Emotional):

36. Move On From The Past

37. Learn To Play Chess

38. Practise Gratitude

39. Practice Mindfulness

40. Try Acupuncture

41. Try Cupping

42. Try Yoga

43. Organise Your Entire Life

44. Stretch For 10 Minutes Everyday

45. Remove Processed Food From Your Diet

Bucket List Ideas For Health And Wellness:

46. Meditate Every Day

47. Get At Least 8 Hours Of Sleep Every Night

48. Go Vegetarian For One Month

49. Go Vegan For One Month

50. Don’t Eat Out For One Month

51. Get A Gym Membership

52. Go To A TED Talk

53. Spend An Entire Weekend Without A Phone

Bucket List Ideas For Career Goals:

54. Start A Business

55. Write A Book

56. Work Your Dream Job

57. Learn To Wake Up Early

58. Get A Promotion

59. Donate And Volunteer

60. Create A Healthy Work-Life Balance

61. Speak At An Event

62. Become A Mentor

63. Retire

Bucket List Ideas For Finance:

64. Get Life Insurance

65. Write A Will

66. Become Debt Free

67. Create A Budgeting Plan

68. Learn How To Do Taxes

69. Read Books About Finance And Budgeting

70. Invest

71. Donate To Charity Regularly

72. Get A Degree

73. Earn A Passive Income

74. Become A Millionaire

Bucket List Ideas For Everything:

75. Get A Tattoo

76. Get A Piercing

77. Go Camping

78. Go To A Concert

79. Meet Your Idol

80. Get Drunk 

81. Complete An All Nighter

82. Get A Pet

83. Learn Another Language

84. Learn A Musical Instrument

85. Learn To Knit

86. Learn Martial Arts

87. Live In Another Country For (At Least!) 3 Months

88. Fall In Love

Bucket List Achievements:

89. Complete A Marathon/Half Marathon

90. Conquer Your Biggest Fear

91. Finish High School

92. Break A Guinness World Record

93. Get Your Driving Licence

94. Have Children

95. Buy A House

96. Get Engaged

97. Get Married

98. Donate Blood

99. Buy My Dream Car

100. Change Someone's Life For The Better

The Bottom Line:

And there you have it! My Top 100 Bucket List Ideas!

If you want to live your life to the fullest, and achieve your biggest goals and aspirations, it is time to make a bucket list of your own. Please use this opportunity to write down your favourite ideas from this list and start acting on your future! Having a bucket list will undoubtedly benefit your life in so many ways!

Thanks for reading!


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Hi, I’m Mia!


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