Self Care Tips: 30 Ways To Look After Yourself In 2021!

Have you ever forgotten to look after yourself? To check in and see how you’re really feeling?

I can honestly relate.

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I remember one specific time, after many long, and tiring weeks filled with work, school, friends, family and lack of sleep, I finally sat down to think for the first time in forever. There I sat and realised that I was unhappy. 

While I knew how I felt at the time, I pushed my feelings aside. In my eyes, my emotions didn’t matter. 

All that mattered was that I was present. That I was turning up to school and all my activities every single day, and that I was getting work done, just like I was expected to. 

I gave myself the expectation that I had to do anything and everything for the sake of other people. And that no matter how much I was doing, there was always enough time in my 24 hour day to fit it all in. It was one of my biggest mistakes.

Because when I obviously struggled to keep up with the piles of work and expectations, I blamed myself. I told myself that I wasn’t doing enough and that I wasn’t good enough. 

Now, after that whole rant, my point leads to self-care.

In everyday life, it is so important to look after yourself! Your mind, soul, and body all deserve the nurturing that comes from self care. 

Despite what you may think, self-care does not need to be a luxurious experience that happens once in a blue moon, it is something to be experienced as often as possible, every day ideally. Self care has helped me in so many ways! It has benefitted every aspect of my health as I continue to partake in it every single day!

Your health matters, and self care is a way to acknowledge that. 

Here are my β€˜Self Care Tips To Help Look After Yourself In 2021!’

Have A DIY Facial-

Pretty traditional, I know. But it doesn’t get much better than an at-home DIY facial and spa day! Whether you’re joined by friends or doing so alone, enjoy the relaxation and self-care associated with skin-care and self-love. Your skin will thank you!

Practise Deep Breathing-

Start each day with 3-5 deep breaths; inhaling, holding, exhaling and holding each for 4 seconds. Calm and controlled breathing is a great way to boost your mood and has an immediate effect. It has been proven to reduce stress and make you feel peaceful and zen.


Your body is a temple. It is the place where you allow your mind and soul to flourish. Without proper nourishment, your mind begins to fade. To boost your mood, and reduce signs of stress and anxiety, exercise for at least 30 minutes each day. You will not only look happier, but you will feel better. 

Eat Healthy-

The food we eat has the potential to change our lives as we know it. Our everyday food choices contribute to our mental health and physical health. Eating the right foods can prevent lifelong disease such as heart disease or diabetes, and reduce negative emotions such as stress or anxiety.


As they say, β€˜Giving back is good for the soul,’ and it couldn’t be more truthful. Not only does giving back to others make others feel happy and loved, but it also makes us feel good. Even volunteering for an hour or two each month can benefit so many lives. Knowing that you’re making a difference really is self care. 

Donate To A Good Cause-

If you’re feeling generous, donate! Another way of giving back is donating to a charity or cause that you genuinely care about! While time is scarce for many, signing up to a monthly donation charity or donating sums of money to different organisations is a very positive form of self-care.

Try Yoga-

Yoga is an extremely healthy practise, that promotes deep breathing, mindfulness and a soul to mind connection. Yoga has a multitude of benefits, some of which include relief of stress, anxiety and depression, as well as a boosted immunity and sense of mindfulness.


Like yoga, meditation is a great way to relax your mind and body in order to connect with your soul spiritually. It is a customisable practise, able to be participated in almost all environments at any time, and promotes mental stability as well as happiness. 

Let Loose And Dance! -

Sometimes the best thing to do when you’re feeling down is to blast some tunes and dance like nobody's watching! Dancing is yet another way to express yourself through movement, and is filled with many positive effects on individuals emotional, mental and physical health.

Enjoy Breakfast-

Sometimes, due to school and everyday life, we are forced to eat breakfast on the run. Whether we stuff it down our throat or skip the meal altogether, it is a great idea to sit down and enjoy it. Try to make a healthy breakfast that contains a sufficient amount of protein and carbohydrates- something to keep you full during the day.


In this world filled with social and media and technology, it can be hard to break out of habit and look after yourself. Often, social media is the cause of our unhappiness, and can have many negative effects on our mental health. So, unplugging from technology is a great way to find yourself and recharge. 

Play A Board Game-

Playing a board game with friends or family is a great way to socialise and relieve stress. Games such as monopoly, checkers, chess or scrabble are positive and relaxing options for self-care.

Write Down Your Negative Self-Talk-

The negative self-talk, the self-doubt, the lies, the anger, the jealousy; write it all down in a diary or journal. Sometimes, to relieve yourself of negative thoughts, you need to place it somewhere else. When you’re done, rip the page to shreds. I can assure you, you will feel free!

Practise Positive Self-Talk-

Self-care cannot be ultimately achieved if you don’t feel positively towards yourself. Practising positive self-talk daily is a constructive practise that involves building yourself up through internal motivation and compliments. To practise positive self-talk, say 3 things you love about yourself every morning when you wake up. Then, motivate yourself throughout the day using comments like β€œI am amazing,” β€œI can do this,” or β€œI am enough!”

Get Sleep-

Sleep can have a huge effect on how to feel both mentally and physically. Not having enough sleep often results in fatigue, high irritability and stress, while sufficient sleep promotes feeling energised, happy and refreshed. Sleep is super important when it comes to your self-care routine.

Drink Lots Of Water-

To keep you refreshed, energized and stimulated, drink at least 2 litres of water every day! The best way to start each morning on a positive note is to drink a large glass of water as soon as you wake up. The more water you drink, the better!

Get Organised-

Clutter and disorganisation is one of the biggest causes of stress. By taking some time out of each day to declutter and organise your bedroom, workspace or even entire house, you reduce your levels of stress and acknowledge more ways to feel better. Other small inputs such as buying a diary, calendar or weekly planner are great ways to get organised as well!

Be Happy-

I know… It’s much easier said than done. But the ultimate form of self-care is happiness! Being able to smile, laugh, joke and socialise, makes you feel better both physically and mentally. Happiness is also great for your health! It is suggested to reduce your chance of heart problems at a later age. 

Listen To Music-

Rather than stare at a Netflix screen, try listening to some mood-boosting, upbeat music! Sometimes singing along to, listening to or dancing to some great beats helps us cope with negative mental health, such as stress, anxiety or depression. I mean, who doesn’t love music!


Ever heard the saying β€˜Laughter is the best medicine?’ Well, that’s because it is completely true! Laughing, giggling and chuckling are some of the best ways to boost our mental and physical health, as well as our entire life! Try watching a try not to laugh video on youtube, but instead laugh out loud! I promise you won’t regret it!

Practise Mindfulness-

Mindfulness is all about focussing on the present moment and ignoring self judgement. It is a therapeutic meditative practice that is shown to reduce stress, and improve your mindset and wellbeing. Take 5 minutes out of your day to acknowledge what is happening. Step back from the world and breathe deeply. Do this when you first wake up, just before you fall asleep, while you eat, or during everyday interactions. 

Write Down Positive For The Day-

Everyone has their bad days, I completely get it. But we shouldn’t let those bad days ruin our practise of self care and self love! No matter how bad your day was, there should always be something positive to be grateful for. Write a couple things you can think of; some examples include your bed, phone, family, friends, clothes, hearing e.t.c.

Read A Book-

While this one may not apply to all, reading a book is a great form of self-care to participate in. In our media-filled world, we are constantly staring at our screens as time flies by and our stress levels increase. So why not read a book! When you get out of bed, just before you go to sleep, or while you’re sitting on the bus, for example, grab out a book you love and get started!

Chill With A Pet-

Animals and pets hold such a special place in my heart. As they do for so many! Petting a dog on the street (with permission, of course!) or cuddling with your pet(s) at home is a great way to boost your happiness and reduce your feelings of anxiety and stress. If you don’t have a pet, don’t hesitate to ask a friend to see theirs!

Enjoy A Long Bath/Shower-

This one is pretty traditional as far as self-care goes. Spend an afternoon just on you. Read magazines and watch netflix during a long, warm bath or shower. What could be better!?

Treat Yourself-

Every now and then, it’s important to treat yourself! Whether it be a sweet treat, a shopping spree, a new outfit or a small luxury, use this as a way to show how much you love and value yourself.

Take A Nap-

If you’re feeling tired, stressed, anxious or down, a great way to perform self-care is to take a power nap! Lie down for 10-30 minutes and try to get some relaxing, peaceful and well-needed sleep! And by the time you wake up, you’ll be ready for action!

Call And Talk To Someone-

Socialising is key for all humans and does so much for your mental well-being and happiness. Call someone. Today. Don’t wait any longer! Call a friend or family member that you haven’t connected with for a while and talk to them (maybe even make plans to catch up!) 

Spread Kindness-

Spreading kindness is a two-way street. When we help others, we help ourselves as well. The content brought from making someone's day, helping them with an every task, volunteering, donating or paying it forward, makes us feel incredible too! Just wait and see, try to do something for someone today and see how you feel!

Do Something That Makes You Happy-

A lot of the time we spend our days doing tasks for the sake of, or to benefit other people. While it feels good to be kind. Today, or any day, be selfish for once. Clear your schedule for the day and do something that you genuinely enjoy!

The Bottom Line:

In life, we all have our trials and tribulations. However, it is important not to lose sight of the true goal in life; happiness. 

Yes, it is great to work hard and achieve, but it is important that you are happy and satisfied throughout the process. 

My main message throughout this blog post is to be kind to yourself. Don’t beat yourself up for relaxation or mistakes, because these sorts of things happen. We’re all human. 

Using the many self-care strategies listed above, created your own self care routine. Look after yourself, enjoy a treat and have fun! You only live once!

I hope you enjoyed reading this! Have a great day!


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Hi, I’m Mia!


Teen dream celebrates, supports and connects young women of all shapes, sizes, ages, races and beliefs. Our website is dedicated to helping young women find balance in life, become organised, stay…




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