Keep up with my latest blog posts below! Find everything you need to know about navigating teen life, personal development, wellness and setting yourself up for success!

Lifestyle Mia Ginger Lifestyle Mia Ginger

My 5am School Day Morning Routine!

I’ve always been a huge fan and strict follower of routine and habit. For years now, I’ve followed the same schedule each and every day in order to maximise my day, and everything I do throughout it.

Creating a morning routine, in my opinion, is all about finding what works for you. This post today is just a fun way for you to get to know me better, and does not in any way mean using this routine, ESPECIALLY if you're no morning person.

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Lifestyle Mia Ginger Lifestyle Mia Ginger

My Top 100 Bucket List Ideas!

A couple days ago, I came across a bucket list that I created in June, 2019, and honestly, It inspired me to write this blog post today.

I live everyday like it's my last; that's just the way I subconsciously look at my life.

If I were to die today, would I be happy with the way I ended my conversations, said goodbye and ‘love you’ to those closest to me, and the way I strived to achieve my goals?

Those are some of the questions that run through my head.

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School Mia Ginger School Mia Ginger

My Top Biggest Time Wasters! (And How To Avoid Them!)

Do you ever feel like the days are flying by? That, even though we all have the same 24 hour day, you’re getting nothing done?

You ask yourself…

Where did the day go?

Did I get anything done?

What did I do all day?

If you feel like this regularly, I can completely relate! You may be falling into one, or many of the following time wasting habits.

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Health Mia Ginger Health Mia Ginger

How To Manifest Your Dreams Into Reality!

As the years fly by, many of us dream of the lives we wish to live. Fame, money, success, happiness; all things many of us aspire to ultimately achieve in life.

But let me ask you; why do we all wait for the ‘right time’ to start?!

Today is your day! And this year is your year! To claim and create all of those goals and dreams into your reality! It is up to you to mold your future!

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Lifestyle Mia Ginger Lifestyle Mia Ginger

The Best 25 New Year’s Resolutions Ideas For 2021!

After the year we’ve all had in 2020, everyone is looking for a new start in 2021, myself included.

With the holiday season having begun, now is your chance to sit down and evaluate your life choices, and to put together a list of lifestyle changes that you want to implement in the new year!

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