My 5am School Day Morning Routine!

I’ve always been a huge fan and strict follower of routine and habit. For years now, I’ve followed the same schedule each and every day in order to maximise my day, and everything I do throughout it. 

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Creating a morning routine, in my opinion, is all about finding what works for you. This post today is just a fun way for you to get to know me better, and does not in any way mean using this routine, ESPECIALLY if you're no morning person. 

As you read through this post, I’d like you to think logically about your mornings and evenings, and whether any of these activities work for you. I find that working to your strengths is best, since mornings seem to be quite important parts of your day, which when messed up, changes your entire daily dynamic. 

I complete my morning routine almost every day without fail, and as a morning person, it allows me to get a whole lot of work done as I have to keep up with my full afternoon schedule. For me, this routine makes me feel awake, refreshed, grateful, and productive as I begin my day. And by the time you find what's best for you, I hope you do too. 

In reminiscence of normal life (before Covid hit!), here is ‘My 5am School Day Morning Routine!’ Enjoy!

P.S. Unlike a normal routine, my morning routine is made out of 2 separate parts. While I complete a list of activities each morning in order to efficiently prepare for my day, I also prepare other aspects of my morning routine the night before. Part 1 of this post I will be discussing how I prepare for my morning whilst the second will go through my morning tasks. I hope you enjoy!

Part 1- Night Before:

In order to save time from my morning, I prepare specific parts of my routine the night before. Whilst this isn’t my official evening routine, let me know if you’d like to see it!

Organise My Bag:

This habit has become a lifesaver! As soon as I get home every afternoon; before I check my phone or even sit down, I always organise and go through my bag. I take out any rubbish and put my lunch box in the kitchen to wash, and organise any notes or assessment notifications I need to take note of. I could not recommend doing this more!

Clean My Room:

To avoid buildup of mess in my bedroom, I try to neaten up my room every afternoon. Rather than spending a few hours each weekend, I prefer spending 2-5 minutes each day folding and putting away washed clothes, organising my desk and getting rid of anything unnecessary in my room. 

Charge Necessary Devices:

It is the worst feeling to turn up to school only to realise your computer is dead. It is so important to plug in my phone and computer in order for them to charge. I personally don’t like them charging overnight so I try and plug them in early so I can unplug them before I fall asleep. 

Prepare My Outfit:

Whilst I pretty much wear the same uniform each day, I always like to have it hanging up on a hook ready for my day the night before. This is not only so I can grab it before I have a shower, but also so I know I'm not missing anything in the washing machine or lost. 

Write My Daily Schedule:

In my 2021 diary, I have an hour-by-hour schedule of every day. Each night before school, I go through my day and block time for all my activities, as well as work and leisure activities I can complete during my gap time. This includes public transport and walking home from school. (I also refer to a monthly calendar which I fill in every week!)

Set An Alarm:

Setting my alarm is super important for my morning routine as I wake up so early every morning. If I forget (which I’ve done quite a few times!) I find myself sleeping in and rushing to get to school! 

Refill My Water:

Each morning I drink a tall glass of water just after jumping out of bed. After dinner, I like to refill my water and place it next to my bed upstairs. 

Go To Sleep Early!:

This one is super important! In order to wake up as early as I do, I need to make sure I’m going to bed as early as possible. For the most part, I get the necessary 8 hours of sleep, going to bed at about 9 and waking up at 5. But sometimes I go a bit over or a bit under which allows me to alter my morning routine accordingly.

Part 2- Morning:

Wake Up:

When I wake up each morning, I’ve trained myself to never hesitate to jump out of bed. I always wake up at the exact same time every day (except for holidays, of course!) and never hit snooze. Whilst I can assure you It took me a long time to get the hang of it, It’s sure been worth it in the long run. 

Drink Water:

I know this is a bit weird, but as soon as I stand up, I quickly drink a large glass of water that I keep next to my bed. This is since humans wake up each morning feeling dehydrated due to sleeping all night and often need water straight away to avoid full-on dehydration. Not only does drinking water hydrate you, but it makes you feel more awake!


While I know this is slightly controversial, as soon as I finish my water, I grab my pre-prepared clothes and have a shower. Despite most people I know not liking morning showers, I’ve always been a huge fan. In the shower I cleanse my face, brush my teeth and freshen up before I start the day. However, I will admit that the worst part about it is always when I change the water to cold for about 30 seconds before I get out. 

Get Dressed:

As soon as I get out of the shower, I dry myself off and change into my clothes for the day, which is pretty much always my school uniform. As I do that, I complete my skincare routine. 

Skincare Routine:

Each morning and night, I follow a relatively simple skincare routine. In the morning, I use a cleanser in the shower, followed by a serum, toner and moisturizer (sometimes alongside a chemical exfoliant) as I get ready for the day. 

Make My Bed:

Once I’ve gotten changed and done my skincare, I go back to my bedroom and make my bed before sitting down at my desk. 

Check My Daily Schedule:

The first thing I do is check my daily schedule which I wrote the night before. This is just so I know what’s going on during the day and can visualise everything I want to get done. 

Gratitude Journal:

Next, I grab a hold of my trusty gratitude journal, where I write down 3 things I’m grateful for that morning and say/write some affirmations. While some times are easier to write about than others, I always make sure to show my appreciation for this life I’ve been given, even if times are hard and I’m feeling down. 

Daily Happiness:

After that, I’ll try and boost my mood by writing down something that makes me feel happy. Whatever it is, I write on a small piece of paper with the date on it, and place it into a jar. As time goes by, the jar fills up with happy memories or messages of excitement that I can read whenever I wish.


I usually like to do a quick stretch on a yoga mat with a song playing in the background. However, sometimes I’m a bit more busy and don’t get the chance to do so, which is completely fine since I stretch every afternoon anyway. 

Check My Phone:

Now that I’m fully awake and alert, ready for the day, I grab my phone and have a quick look at my social media. I’ll usually just check Instagram and Tik Tok, my class schedule for the day, as well as check and reply to any emails I’ve received. I try to do this only twice a day, in the morning after I wake up and at night about an hour before I go to bed. 

Brush My Hair:

After that, I brush my hair before heading downstairs to the kitchen!

Prepare Lunch:

Every morning, I prepare my lunch before I go to school. This is also the time when I pack my bag and put in my computer and anything else I’ll need for the day. 

Complete Chores:

Once I finish making my lunch, I complete any chores that I need to complete, such as emptying/filling the dishwasher, cleaning the bathroom or folding clothes. 

Make (And Eat!) Breakfast:

FINALLY, once I’m done all of that, I make a healthy, delicious and nutritious breakfast for myself. This is usually my time spent relaxing, giving me time to watch 10 minutes of a show or listen to some music. For breakfast, I just make whatever I feel like. Sometimes we’ll have leftovers, others I'll make a smoothie, smoothie bowl or some yogurt and granola. 


So, by the time I finish everything else, It’s usually anywhere from about 6:00-6:30. Since I don’t have to leave my house until about 7:45, I spend this time in the morning doing any homework, assignments or blog-related tasks. I do this every morning because of my busy afternoon schedule which often makes it so I don’t have time to do my work. 

Head To School!:

Once it’s time to head, I put my bag on my back and leave for school for the day. So there you have it! My morning routine!

The Bottom Line:

When it comes to creating a morning routine, it’s extremely important to create and follow a routine that works for you, rather than copying someone else. 

I’d like to reiterate that this post was just about sharing my morning routine, not in any way telling you how to complete yours!

Every routine should be customised to yourself, as we all have different needs, things to do and habits. For me, for example, I wake up so early because I’m a morning person and work best at first light. If you’re a night owl, on the other hand, you should NOT be staying up late and waking up early since it will very quickly cause burnout!

Overall, I think it is so important to have a set morning routine that involves your everyday needs, and will benefit you in the long run in so many ways by doing so. 

I will admit that it takes time to find your right fit, and after trying different variables for a few weeks each, you should find your perfect balance!

Thank you so much for reading! Have an amazing day!

Mia Xx


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Hi, I’m Mia!

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