Keep up with my latest blog posts below! Find everything you need to know about navigating teen life, personal development, wellness and setting yourself up for success!

Lifestyle Mia Ginger Lifestyle Mia Ginger

16 Habits That Will Help You Become A Better Friend!

One important thing I’ve learnt throughout my entire 14-year life, is the importance of friends and friendship.

When you’re down, your friends should be the first people asking you if you’re okay and listening to you rant about your problems.

When you’re at your best, they should be the ones cheering you on from the sidelines, making fun of you in any blank moment.

They should make you laugh, make you smile, push you, inspire you, and teach you something new every single day.

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Lifestyle Mia Ginger Lifestyle Mia Ginger

My 5am School Day Morning Routine!

I’ve always been a huge fan and strict follower of routine and habit. For years now, I’ve followed the same schedule each and every day in order to maximise my day, and everything I do throughout it.

Creating a morning routine, in my opinion, is all about finding what works for you. This post today is just a fun way for you to get to know me better, and does not in any way mean using this routine, ESPECIALLY if you're no morning person.

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School Mia Ginger School Mia Ginger

School Life Hacks All High School Students Should Know!

High school is hard. Full stop. And I completely get it. I mean damn, I’m not even halfway there and I already find myself questioning my motivation sometimes.

But while high school often sucks, and can get really difficult and confusing at times, there are a few things that may help change that.

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Lifestyle, Health Mia Ginger Lifestyle, Health Mia Ginger

15 Things To Do Every Night Before Bed!

Getting a good night's sleep is essential to our physical and mental health.

While we spend approximately one third of our life sleeping, for many, they still ignore and lack acknowledgement of the importance of sleep.

Sleep benefits us in almost every way; boosting and optimizing all aspects of our life. Lack of sleep, on the other hand, does the complete opposite.

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School Mia Ginger School Mia Ginger

My Top Biggest Time Wasters! (And How To Avoid Them!)

Do you ever feel like the days are flying by? That, even though we all have the same 24 hour day, you’re getting nothing done?

You ask yourself…

Where did the day go?

Did I get anything done?

What did I do all day?

If you feel like this regularly, I can completely relate! You may be falling into one, or many of the following time wasting habits.

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Lifestyle Mia Ginger Lifestyle Mia Ginger

18 Morning Habits To Start The Day Right!

Your morning routine sets the tone for the rest of your day. While some days you wake up feeling calm, alert and enthusiastic, others you feel in dread, annoyed and sleepy.

Now, let me ask you; Do you have a morning routine filled with simple daily habits? And do those habits make you feel good or bad?

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