Morning Habits That You Need To Stop Right Now!

Your alarm goes off and you hit snooze in an effort to get a few more minutes of blissful sleep. It goes off again and again, so you give in, dragging yourself out of bed, yawning and rubbing your eyes.

You check your phone and realise that you’re running late. You quickly get changed, pack your bag and stuff a piece of toast down your throat before running out the door to try and make the last bus.

You make it to school just in time, already feeling tired, unmotivated and discouraged.

Sound familiar? 

Morning Habits That You Need To Stop Right Now!

The morning is by far the most important part of our day, setting the tone for how we feel, act and achieve. By doing the right things in the morning, and avoiding the wrong things, we set ourselves up for a peaceful, productive and positive day!

Here are β€œ10 Morning Habits That You Need To Stop Right Now!”

  1. Checking Your Phone:

Let’s be honest, who hasn’t done this? 

Checking our phones first thing in the morning is a habit that is specifically aimed towards Gen Z. Since we grew up with technology, this habit is practically ingrained into our daily routines. 

However, that doesn’t mean it’s good for us. 

Despite having the extreme urge to catch up on what we’ve missed, scanning social media such as instagram, snapchat and tiktok is extremely bad for us for many reasons. 

By starting your day by looking at your phone, you crave to check what you’ve missed each morning. Also, by starting your day comparing yourself to others, it can have a negative affect on our self-esteem and can ruin your day from the start.

So if you do this like I used to, rather than reaching for your phone in the morning, set yourself up for success! For the first hour of every day, do something to clear your mind and motivate you! Pray, express gratitude, hydrate, meditate, exercise, eat a healthy meal or nourish yourself. Whatever improves you as a person!

2. Hitting Snooze:

Waking up in the morning can be a hard task, especially if we feel tired and groggy. By hitting the snooze button, it allows us to close our eyes for another few minutes in an effort to get some more delightful sleep. 

But despite the temptation, hitting the snooze button is not a habit or routine to get into. 

Not only does it slow you down in the morning, but hitting snooze jolts your heart every time you hear the alarm. Overall, snoozing does more damage than waking up on the first go.

Trust me! Try waking without hitting snooze for a week and see how you feel…. I promise, you won’t regret it!

3. Skipping Breakfast:

As we all know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day! So you CANNOT miss it!

Though we often don’t think we have the time to eat in the mornings, let me put it this way, MAKE TIME!

If you struggle to make breakfast in the morning, try meal prepping or having a weekly breakfast plan to keep yourself on track.

Some of the nutritional effects of skipping breakfast include diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, weight gain, high cholesterol, heart disease and so on. 

4. Eating An Unhealthy Breakfast:

As the most important meal of the day, the breakfast you choose to eat needs to be good for you! After not eating for 8+ hours, you need to replenish your body and kickstart your digestion on a good note!

Eating sweet or unhealthy breakfasts such as muffins, cereal or waffles, are filled with sugar and carbohydrates. 

Although they may taste good, these foods are not good for you in general, and give you an unnecessary boost of energy that your body does not need. 

5. Waking Up Inconsistently:

By waking up at inconsistent times each morning, you throw off your body clock and sleeping rhythm. 

By sleeping and waking up at drastically different times each day, you are more likely to be more tired, agitated and unmotivated during the day. 

I get the occasional late night, but try to have a relative sleeping schedule, where you receive AT LEAST 8 hours of sleep!

6. Keeping The Curtains Closed:

Getting your daily dose of sunlight each morning is extremely important!

Sunlight is the indicator of the day and night cycle. As we have evolved, our bodies have been taught to use light to tell whether it is time to sleep, or time to wake up. 

Though you may not like light creeping into your bedroom each morning, it is extremely important for your body clock to be exposed to that sunlight. 

7. Not Hydrating:

This is a must! As we venture into our daily activities, many of us forget to hydrate and drink water! This is not good since our body needs water as soon as we wake up to refresh, replenish and wake up our bodies. 

Drinking water as soon as you wake up increases your alertness, boosts your metabolism, reduces grogginess and clears your mind.

Make it a goal to drink a large glass of water every morning before leaving for school! If you don’t like drinking plain water, you can also jazz things up with some lemon, cucumber or mint!

8. Making Spontaneous Decisions:

Planning your day is one of the best ways to improve your morning routine. 

By making spontaneous decisions in the morning about what to do, where to go, what to wear e.t.c, you tire out your body and mind, leading to an unproductive day.

Ideally, use a planner or to-do list to plan your day with ease.

9. Rushing:

Rushing in the morning adds a lot of stress to yourself both physically and mentally. It also leads to leaving out important parts of your routine or to rushing other tasks such as eating breakfast.

I mean, I get it entirely. Those extra few minutes of sleep seem completely worth it in the moment, but can end up stressing you out all morning and ruining your chances of a high-energy, productive day!

Always aim for the earlier bus in the morning, since rushing can also lead to being late, another bad morning habit. 

10. Not Having A Morning Routine:

In my opinion, having a morning routine is essential for setting the tone for your day and ensuring that you are organised and prepared to start your day in a productive and positive manner. 

The morning hours are the best time to do this since you are energized from just waking up and have little to no disturbance from other people.

If you are yet to create a morning routine, please know that you are missing out. A morning routine promotes increased productivity, better time management and less procrastination.

The Bottom Line:

And there you have it! By acknowledging these bad habits and making the effort to change them into good ones, you set yourself up for success! 

Do you want to know how to break these bad habits?

By making these small lifestyle changes, you will also notice how much happier, awakened and relaxed you are during the morning hours!


Thank you for reading! I hope this was helpful!

If it was, don’t forget to like, comment, share and follow us on social media @miasteendream ! I’d love to hear your thoughts!


Hi, I’m Mia!


Teen dream celebrates, supports and connects young women of all shapes, sizes, ages, races and beliefs. Our website is dedicated to helping young women find balance in life, become organised, stay…




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