18 Morning Habits To Start The Day Right!

Your morning routine sets the tone for the rest of your day. While some days you wake up feeling calm, alert and enthusiastic, others you feel in dread, annoyed and sleepy.


Now, let me ask you; Do you have a morning routine filled with simple daily habits? And do those habits make you feel good or bad?

If you want to know the key to feeling fresh, rejuvenated and positive each and every morning, you’re at the right place!

The answer is having an organised, productive and enjoyable morning routine!

So, without further ado, here are β€˜18 Morning Habits To Start The Day Right!’ Hope you enjoy it!

1.Have A Set Morning Routine!

Having a set morning routine is really important to ensure you don’t experience decision fatigue. Decision fatigue occurs when you are forced to make a decision early on in the day, causing fatigue and tiredness later on. Ideally, you want to wake up at the same time everyday, know what you’re doing as soon as you wake up, know what you’re getting ready for, what you’re having for breakfast and e.t.c.

2. Get Enough Sleep!

A great day starts the night before. If you wake up not having had enough sleep, your day starts on a tired, angry and negative note. What we all need is quality, deep and restful sleep that spans for at least 8 hours!

3. Wake Up Early!

Studies have shown that most high achievers in life always follow strict morning routines each morning. Not only is waking up early great to give yourself more time to get ready for your day without stress, but it also gives you extra time to do tasks that require extra motivation. Don’t forget to wake up at the same time every morning!

4. Don’t Leave Your Phone Near Your Bed!

By keeping your phone or alarm away from your bed, you force yourself to stand up and walk out of bed each morning to turn it off. 

Rather than hitting snooze until it’s too late, standing up straight away helps us wake up and get ready for the day!

5. Smile!

Smiling strongly each morning tricks your body into believing that you’re happy.  It unlocks a path to positivity and happiness! So, even if it is a struggle, smile!

It enhances your mood and sets the right intention to start a great day. What a cool placebo!

6. Look Forward To Something!

Looking forward to starting your day is the ultimate motivation for getting out of bed. Whether you’re looking forward to something big like a party or something small like seeing a friend, choosing to look forward to your day will undoubtedly get you moving!

7. Drink Water!

Drinking a tall glass of water as soon as you wake up is key to your morning routine! While we know we should be hydrating throughout each day, this morning starter really gets the process going. After at least 8 hours without water, your body is often in real need of a refreshing flush that only water provides. I recommend keeping a glass on your bedside table overnight!

8. Stretch!

Stretching your body briefly before you get out of bed is beneficial for many reasons. Not only does it increase circulation and oxygenate your blood, but it wakes you up, improves your flexibility and reduces fatigue. 

9. Get Active!

A morning workout or activity is a great way to start your day healthy and active. 

Whether you go for a run, take your dog on a leisurely walk, do yoga in your bedroom or lift weights, feel free to do whatever you want to get active each morning!

10. Listen To A Podcast!

Listening to a podcast is a great way to calmly get your brain working in the morning. It requires almost no thinking and can be completed whilst doing almost any other chore!

11. Meditate!

Meditation is a great way to take care of yourself and your mental health. 

Meditation increases your energy levels, your creativity, betters your concentration and decreases stress and anxiety.

12. Read!

Like meditating, reading is a simple task that anyone with some extra time on their hands can complete in the morning. While it is calming and relaxing, it also gets your mind working and ready for the day!

13. Make Your Bed!

While making your bed is technically a chore, this simple task is the first of many you are inevitably going to complete throughout your day. Not only does it make you feel good coming home to a clean and tidy bed, but it also gets your mind working and ready for your day!

14. Show Gratitude!

Showing gratitude each morning boosts your well-being, energy level, and help you to achieve more in life. It changes your life for the best and allows you to be the best version of yourself!

Before getting out of bed, I encourage you to think about who and what you are grateful for, or to write 3 things down in a gratitude journal!

15. Eat Breakfast!

We all know the saying β€œBreakfast is the most important meal of day!” and I certainly mean it!

Ensuring you eat a fulfilling, nutritious and delicious breakfast sets you up for a great, positive and energetic day. After hours without any energy source, what your body needs is food to give you strength and energy! This step is one you CANNOT miss out on!

16. Open The Curtains/Blinds!

Fresh air and sunlight each morning is exactly what you need to wake up and get ready for your day! By slowing down melatonin production and boosting your adrenalin,this simple task makes you feel fresh, energetic and ready for the day ahead!

17. Plan Your Day The Night Before!

By planning your plan for the day the night before, you have a clear idea of what you’re doing each morning. Make sure to write down any activities, goals or things you need to do or work on during the day. 

18. Read Your Schedule/To-Do List For The Day!

Using the plan you wrote the night before, read through your to do list and complete any tasks you have time for. Make sure to prioritise, complete and delegate specific tasks. The morning is the time of day when you are the most motivated, making it the perfect time to complete any and all annoying, tough or lengthy tasks.

The Bottom Line:

And there you have it! Those were 18 of the best morning habits to start your day right!

Once you’ve started applying some of these amazing habits and routines to your life, I can assure you that you’ll wake up feeling happy, fresh and completely rejuvenated!

Your morning is the basis of your day! These positive habits start your day on a good note, and allow you to work, relax and live life to its full extent!

Thank you for reading!


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Hi, I’m Mia!


Teen dream celebrates, supports and connects young women of all shapes, sizes, ages, races and beliefs. Our website is dedicated to helping young women find balance in life, become organised, stay…




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