How To Manifest Your Dreams Into Reality!

As the years fly by, many of us dream of the lives we wish to live. Money, success, happiness; all things many of us aspire to ultimately achieve in life.

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But let me ask you; why do we all wait for the β€˜right time’ to start?!

Today is your day! And this year is your year! To claim and create all of those goals and dreams into your reality! It is up to you to mold your future!

Whether you want better grades, more money, closer friendships, good health or a positive and successful future, anything can be achieved purely using the power of manifestation and the Law Of Attraction!

In this post, I’ll be delving into the topic of Manifestation and discussing β€˜How To Manifest Your Dreams Into Reality!’

Hope you enjoy!

Create A Specific Goal:

What is your biggest dream? 

Forget any boundaries or limitations, any β€œWhat ifs” or β€œI can’ts”, I want you to think about your biggest dream. 

Now, while some of you may immediately know your answer, I can imagine many of you, including myself, are struggling to think of it on the spot. And I completely get it. How are you supposed to know, as a teenager, what you want from life? (Since so many of us still don’t!)

To manifest your goals, you must know what you want. So, in order to find what you want out of your life through Manifestation, write a list down of everything you don’t want in life. I can  assure you that it will give you clarity and help you find a  goal that you truly believe in!

Don’t forget!!! When creating your goal, it is extremely important to be specific and ask for exactly what you want and why you want it. To help you stay consistent, write this down in a journal (repetitively ideally) to help you keep track of your dream!

Set Positive Intentions:

Your intentions are the start of your journey. While anyone could use a money boost to buy a new car or designer bag, every thought and decision you make should have a positive intention behind it. 

Ask yourself these questions; What is the purpose of this manifestation? What are your intentions for this manifestation? And how will attracting this manifestation help you grow and move forward? 

While it may seem silly to ask yourself these questions, manifestation doesn’t occur if you don’t have a positive meaning behind it, only ones that will genuinely enhance your life in a positive way. Some examples of positive intentions include a manifestation that will benefit your physical, mental, social, psychological, cognitive or emotional health.

Break Down Your Goal:

You’ve chosen your destination, but how are you going to get there?

Creating an in-depth, well-constructed action plan is crucial to successfully manifesting your dreams into reality! Simple choosing a goal isn’t enough. For this one, you really need to get to the nitty gritty. 

I want you to break down your goal into a daily, weekly or monthly action plan, where you can achieve small milestones along the way! These baby steps will help you get closer to, and ultimately achieve, your goals!

Think about what you can  do every day to contribute to this goal, even if it is just 5 minutes! In the end, it all makes a difference! Write this down in a diary or journal. 

Attract Deliberately:

Now that you have set your positive intentions and have broken down your goal, you must now take action to ensure your dream manifests into a reality! If you set your goal to the side, you are unlikely to achieve it. Whereas, if you fuel your goal by feeding it attention and actively try to manifest it, you are more likely to succeed! 

Here are some of the best ways to attract your manifestations deliberately!:

  • Talk about it

  • Dream about it

  • Think about it

  • Look forward to it

  • Visualise it

  • Create a dream board

  • Write affirmations

Act Like Your Dreams Are A Reality:

To bring your dreams to life, you must eat, sleep, live and breathe your goal. Seriously. I want you to act, speak, think and feel as if you are already living your dreams!

When you  act β€˜as if’, you are fine tuning your emotions and energies to align with your dreams. The universe gives us what we put out, so embody the feelings, emotions and  energies of your dreams so they can come to life!

Last of all, dream big! And believe in the power of manifestation! The bigger the dream you  manifest, the bigger and more beautiful your reality will become!

And don’t forget!

Manifestation is not sitting and waiting for your dreams to come true, It is working hard for what you want and watching those dreams and manifestations come to life in front of you! Work hard! And you can go anywhere!

The Bottom Line:

As the new year begins, now is a better time than ever to take action and to manifest your dreams into a reality!

These tips have personally helped me so much over the past year or so, and have taught me so much about the Law Of Attraction and Manifestation! 

Even at my lowest points, manifesting has shown me that once you’ve hit rock bottom, the only direction to go is up! 

β€œTo Achieve You Need To Believe!”

Have an amazing day!


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Hi, I’m Mia!


Teen dream celebrates, supports and connects young women of all shapes, sizes, ages, races and beliefs. Our website is dedicated to helping young women find balance in life, become organised, stay…




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