16 Habits That Will Help You Become A Better Friend!

One important thing I’ve learnt throughout my entire life, is the importance of friends and friendship.

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Whenever you’re down, your friends should be the first people asking you if you’re okay and listening to you rant about your problems. When you’re at your best, they should be the ones cheering you on from the sidelines, making fun of you in any blank moment. They should make you laugh, make you smile, push you, inspire you, and teach you something new every single day.

Good friends are hard to come by, meaning that when you do, it is so important to actively grow and cultivate that friendship. In order to keep these good friends, you need to be a good friend too. And if you already are a good friend, there’s always ways to get better!

Here are ‘16 Habits That Will Help You Become A Better Friend!’

I hope you enjoy!

Be Yourself:

So clichè, I know, but it really is true! Despite what you may convince yourself, you cannot fake a personality for the sake of a friendship! No matter what, your true colours will come through (which is a great thing!) but will often turn off people if you continue to try and be someone you’re not. People don’t like lies. So being yourself and sharing your personality allows people around you to feel comfortable, not to mention how much more relaxed you feel. You’re not perfect, but that’s okay! 

Accept Them:

A true, authentic friend is someone who accepts and cherishes you for who you are. They acknowledge your worth and actively encourage you to be who you want to be. They will find a place in their heart to love and care for you, despite mistakes, weaknesses and flaws. 

Know When You’re Wrong:

When it comes to life, you live and you learn. You’re human; so it’s inevitable that you’ll make mistakes, especially in front of your friends. Having the humility to admit you were wrong and swallow your pride is the quality of an amazing friend and person. So don’t feel ashamed of apologising or admitting that you were wrong. 

Be There For Your Friends:

As friends, you always have to be there for eachother, even if you don’t want to be. While you may not be feeling great, or don’t feel like showing up, it is your duty and responsibility as your friend's friend to show up. If they are going through something, you need to be the first one comforting them. 

Be Able To Apologise:

Once again, this one is all about knowing when you’re wrong. As a friend, you must be able to apologise! It doesn’t matter if what you said doesn’t make sense to you, or that it was something seemingly silly of your friend to get upset about; when you make a mistake or hurt your friend, just own up to it and apologise! The best thing you can do is try to move forward. 

Stand Up For Them:

Whether they’re there or not, you should always have the back of your friend! Not only should you never talk negatively about your friend behind their back, but you should never tolerate others for doing so, especially if they don’t know them. No one should ever treat your friends badly, and if they do, stand up for them! 

Be A Good Listener:

When it comes to talking with your friends, sometimes it’s better to talk less and listen more. Rather than rambling on about your problems and how you can relate to theirs, sometimes all we need is a shoulder to cry on and someone to console us. But remember, don’t just listen to what they’re saying and nod your head, actively listen. Ask them questions about their life and how you can support them; I can assure you that it will drastically improve your friendship and connection. 

Keep Their Secrets:

In a friendship, trust is arguably one of the most important qualities! I don’t know about you, but friends are the people you tell almost everything. Any issues you’re going through, how you feel, what’s happening in your life; it allows them to understand how you feel and how you’re going. If a friend ever tells you something personal or in confidence, make sure you keep it that way! The best kept secrets are the ones you never spread!

Forgive Them:

Forgiveness is another quality necessary to hold a precious and long-lasting friendship. Things happen in friendships; people make mistakes and others become unhappy. If you’ve been wronged in any way by your friend/s, and they show an effort to receive your forgiveness, forgive them! It isn’t worth holding a grudge- just move on from the past and embrace the future yet to come. 

Let Your Friends Know You Love Them:

With a friend group full of close friends, you’ll find yourself constantly insulting each other. And while this is all fun and games, and your ways of showing each other you love them, sometimes gestures aren’t enough. People need reassurance. So let them know how much you love and appreciate your friends, whenever it looks like they need it. I can assure you it will make their day!

Encourage You Friends:

Everyone needs encouragement every now and then, especially your friends! So let them know how amazing they are in every way possible! Show up to their gigs, support their ideas, congratulate them on their accomplishments and show all the love you’d want to see from them! Even during their hard times, it important to let them know that you care. 

Make Fun Of Them:

Making fun of your friends is one of the best ways to show them that you love them. However, it's important to always have boundaries, and know where your friends' boundaries lie. While these jokes often are the glue or your friendship, they can often cause them to break. Make fun of your friends, all the time, but know when you’ve crossed and line and apologise immediately if you have. 

Put Down The Phone:

In the age of technology and social media, more and more people are disconnecting from reality and diving into their phones. When it comes to friendship, communication is key. Whenever you’re talking to or hanging out with your friends, keep off your phone. It’s just manners. And if you do need to check something, just let them know and apologise in advance. Spend time with your friends! There is nothing worse than sitting with someone who is only half-listening to you.

Let Them Know When You’re Upset:

If something is ever upsetting you in a friendship, it’s important to let the other person know. While you may think they need to figure it out for themself, or that they deserve to be ignored for a few days, I’m here to tell you that it’s wrong. Just imagine how you’d feel. Don’t let resentment build when things go wrong, talk to your friend about it and allow them to understand what they did wrong and how they can fix it. 

Don’t Compare Yourself To Your Friends:

Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses! It is never okay to compare yourself to your friends, especially in a negative light. Not only will it affect you emotionally, but it will display in your actions when you communicate with them, often seeming like jealousy or anger. Comparing yourself to others won’t do you any good, but trying to become a better version of yourself sure will!

Be Willing To Walk Away:

If a friendship is doing more harm than good, It’s important to know when to walk away. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been friends or the circumstances of your friendship; if you notice more negative encounters than positive ones over an extended period of time, often it's better to leave than endure the pain that comes along with holding on- for both of your sakes. 

The Bottom Line:

Friendship is undoubtedly one of the best things life has to offer. While friendship can be a burden as well as a blessing, the responsibilities that come with it are large. To be a good friend, you need to be many things, but most of all, you need to care. 

Care about your friends goals, endeavours, aspirations and achievements, and cheer for them at their highest moments, and cry with them at their lowest. Using these tips above, I hope that you can take something away. Find something that YOU want to do to be a better friend.

Have a great day! Thanks for reading! P.S. Banana says hi!


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