The 20 Best Pieces Of Advice I’ve Ever Received!
A good piece of advice can change your life. Do you agree?
Throughout my life, I, most likely like you, have been given hundreds (maybe even thousands) of pieces of advice. These wise words, given by friends, family members, teachers, strangers, and those who I look up to, have changed my life in unimaginable ways.
They have changed the ways I look at the world, look at myself, view the ideas of money, power, and happiness, have allowed me to grow so much as a person and have made me a better me.
But I want to know: Have you ever received a piece of advice that is so important to you that you still apply it to your life today? What made it so important to you? And who gave it to you?
I want you to think about it, and reflect on why one phrase could have so much meaning to a person. Because this idea of weighted words is a really powerful one.
So, in today's blog post, I am going to be sharing with you ‘The 20 Best Pieces Of Advice I’ve Ever Received!’ so you don’t have to make the mistakes I did.
To Achieve You Need To Believe:
Manifestation is one of my overall favourite things in this world and goes hand in hand with this incredible quote! “To achieve you need to believe;” it's a quote I refer to in almost every motivational speech I make as it means so much to me! As a go-to that my parents have taught me for as long as I can remember, this quote is a constant reminder that getting something you want in this life needs to be asked for in advance. When we create goals and acknowledge them verbally or by writing them down, we place these vibes in the universe to be claimed. This is why goal-setting and manifesting a positive outcome is so important! To date this method has never failed me!
Life Is Short:
Life is short; it's something we always seem to forget, especially whilst we are young, feel unstoppable and see so much time in the future ahead of us. But the reality of life is that it’s unpredictable, which makes it both important and so very special to enjoy. Not only is it important to live life to the fullest now because time flies, but it is also important because we never know when it will end. We see these tragedies on the news and never think that it will be us in their shoes, until it is or the world throws something horrible and unpredictable at you. This is why I live by a philosophy; life is short, so live everyday as if it were your last!
Reach For The Stars:
Whatever you choose to do in life, always remember to reach for the stars- that's another quote my parents have told me for as long as I can remember. As kids we have big dreams, we want to be singers and youtubers, actors and astronauts; but as soon as we grow up a bit we are placed into a box of limitations imposed by the world telling us what we can and can't do. It is, in my opinion, the main reason why so many people struggle to choose what they want to do, especially since they are often torn between following their dreams and following society's expectations. So, no matter what age you are, whether you’re a kid or teen with big dreams or an adult whose dreams have been shut down for too long, I ask you to reach for the stars! You only get one life, so you may as well spend it doing something you love!
Your Only Limit Is You:
When it comes to your entire life, there is one thing that has the ability to make or break all of it. The mastery of this aspect could lead you to a life of freedom, happiness, wealth and control, whilst the mistreatment could lead to sadness, self-consciousness and a barrier that blocks out all opportunities for growth. Want to know what it is? The answer is simple; mindset.
Whether it be finances, happiness, confidence, opportunities or love, mindset affects it all! And so when it comes to real life, realising that your only limit in achieving in life is you, is super important for becoming the best version of yourself!
Do What You Love:
My dad always used to say to me, “Always do what you love, in the places you love and with the people you love. Then, you will always be happy.” And he couldn't be more true! People who do what they love, when it comes to every aspect of their life, most specifically when it comes to what they do for work, are more likely to live longer, be happier and make the most out of their life. If you have a dream in this world, nothing should stop you from working to achieve it! Anything is possible! And I believe in you!
Treat Others The Way You Want To Be Treated:
The golden rule; something every Aussie kid has probably heard since they started primary school. It holds a lot of meaning when it comes to building friendships and maintaining happiness, and has taught me a lot about how to know whether someone is or isn’t actually your friend. Getting a bit older, I now always strive to be the best friend I can be; I stand up for them when they aren’t there, make fun of them, look out for them, congratulate them on their wins and show them I care about them whenever I can. You present a reflection of how you want to be treated and they reciprocate that. It is when they don’t that problems arise, and you know to get the hell outta there!
You Can Achieve Anything You Put Your Mind To:
When it comes to achieving big dreams, the way I like to think of it is that your dream has already been achieved by someone, making it just as easily possible for you. A bit wordy and confusing, I know, but think about it. Want to be a famous actor/actress? Look at those who are already there! Want to become a millionaire from nothing? You can bet someone has done that too! My point of this is to show you that anything is possible, and that just because your time hasn’t come just yet, doesn’t mean it never will!
Don’t Compare Yourself To Others:
In life, no one really is comparable. The ways we look, the things we’ve been through, the things we prioritise most, the morals we stand by and the ways we act, just to name a few. So what is the point of comparing yourself to someone else? We are all perfectly imperfect in our own spectacular ways, and are made a specific way for a reason. Comparing yourself to others, no matter the way, is a horrible habit to start, even though most of us fall victim to it. It can cause low self-esteem, stress, anxiety, and life-long struggles with body image or perfectionism, for example. You are amazing! So don’t ever lose focus on what's most important in life; you!
The Way Someone Treats You Is A Reflection Of How They Feel About Themselves:
They say that the reason someone bullies another person stems from one of three reasons; jealousy towards the victim, a lack of self-confidence/self-esteem, or a will to fit in. And in one of these cases, this quote is very true. When someone treats you badly, acts rudely towards you, or maybe even bullies you, it is a reflection of the way they see themselves. This quote links closely to another one of my favourites saying “Those who try to bring you down are already looking up” So, next time someone is rude to you, talks about you behind their back or attempts to bully you, just know that you are not the problem. If anything, their words should motivate you to become even better than you already are!
Most People Don’t Care About You:
Ouch! This one is a bit harsh, but it needs to be said! When it comes to real life, it’s important to realise that not a whole lot of people genuinely care about you. While you may have friends and family who love you, those who genuinely care about you, your achievements, your happiness and goals are just a mere few. These people are your family; whether they are blood or chosen. So, when it comes to your life, it is them who care about it, and in reality are the only peoples opinions you ever need to care about. For me, it's a real relief to know this, as it has helped me realise that no one else's opinions or beliefs matter to me. So unless they’re in my closest inner circle, they can mind their own business!
Learn Something New Everyday:
Learning something new everyday, whether you’re a child, teen, or adult is an incredible way to extend your mind and increase your intelligence. Whether this means learning the definition of a new word each day, finding a random fact online or reading a news or historical article, aiming to learn something new each day will not only give you a bunch of fun facts to hold up your sleeve but will also make you more knowledgeable when it comes to diverse sets of topics.
Always Be True To Yourself:
Being true to yourself in every way, shape and form is super important to living a happy, genuine and successful life. When you are being true to yourself as an individual, you become completely honest with what you feel, deeply value, and desire. It is a way to communicate your feelings wholeheartedly both with yourself and others, allowing your truth to flow through you and into the world. Being true to yourself not only benefits your growth as a person but also helps others get to know the real you as being true to you lets your individuality shine through!
You Can’t Please Everyone So Just Do It For You:
Whatever good you do in this world, there will always be someone who will never be happy. For many of us, receiving validation from others allows us to do the things we do, even if they aren’t in our best interest. You may follow your parents or friends wishes, leading you to become unhappy in the position you’re in. But it shouldn’t have to be this way. If you have a big dream or goal you want to reach, you need to stop caring about what other people think. You can’t please everyone so just do it for you!
Smile More:
Life can be really hard sometimes, I bet we can all agree. These past 2 years filled with Covid-19 have been crazy just by themselves, leaving out all of the crap you probably went through. But while during these times you may feel like the best thing to do is hide in your bedroom, binge netflix and eat anything, sometimes it can really help just to smile. Seems a bit weird, I know, but faking it til’ you make it is a very real thing! And can help you become a happier, more positive and more confident person! So, next time you’re feeling a bit down, try mindfulness, meditation, feeling grateful, living in the present moment and smiling; it really can make all the difference!
You Can’t Love Someone Else Until You Love Yourself First:
Self love is the best type of love; and you can’t tell me otherwise! Something that my mum has always told me is that you can’t love someone else until you love yourself first. Do you agree? By learning to love yourself, you allow yourself to improve and extend your opportunities for ultimate success and happiness. However, trying to navigate finding self-love in a relationship can be hard to do. What are your thoughts?
Life Isn’t Fair:
Something that we all have to accept as we grow up is that life really isn't fair- and that there's nothing we can really do about it. While you, as an individual, can write your own story and build the life you want, it's important to realise that no one has control over what happens in this world. In life, we all start in different places and end up in different places, too. Even in the 21st century, we struggle with equality and the lack of opportunities you may face because of the things in your life that you can’t control. However, the faster that you, me and everyone in this world realises that life isn’t fair, the better life will be for all of us!
Focus On The Present:
Do you ever find yourself living in the past or future? Looking forward to an event coming up so you ignore everything happening right now, or you feel sadness, regret or guilt looking back on a past event so you feel stuck living in the past as time moves on? In this world of social media, finding yourself living anywhere but the present is becoming more and more common. We are becoming more and more obsessed with recording everything we do on our phones, blatantly ignoring in-person communication when given the opportunity and finding ourselves dumbfounded by how fast time has gone. If you want to enjoy life to its fullest, I ask you to try living in the present moment. Put away your phone and actually acknowledge everything going on around you- a lot like mindfulness. I promise it will make a huge difference!
Always Put In 100%:
Whenever I do something, I always try my hardest and put in 100% of my effort. What about you? If you’re honest with yourself, how often do you put in 100% effort, whether it be for school, work or extracurriculars? Putting 100% effort into everything you do is super important as it increases your chances of being successful in what you do without leaving chances for regret. If you try your hardest and fail, you at least know that you tried your hardest. Plus, by giving 100%, your goals become clearer as the less important things show to be unnecessary.
Do What You’re Afraid To Do:
As children, we are born with fears; fear of the dark, heights, snakes, spiders and clowns, just to name a few. And as kids, when we express these fears, we are always told to face them. When we grow up, however, we’re often no longer afraid of physical things like the dark or heights, but instead have fears of things much scarier. Things like failure, loneliness, success, criticism, power and people, for example. But when It comes to moving forward in life and making the most of every day you have, doing the things that you’re afraid to do is the most important fear to face.
Try, Try And Try Again:
If you look at almost every successful business owner, millionaire, entrepreneur or celebrity, you’ll probably find that most of them didn’t become famous, rich or successful after their first try. Look at Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey for example, all individuals who failed tens of times before finally succeeding and becoming billionaires in their field. If they had just given up, they wouldn’t be where they are today. Instead of giving up, they tried, tried and tried again until what they were trying to do finally worked. You never know which opportunity could be the jackpot, so this is a reminder to never give up, and to always try, try and try again!
The Bottom Line:
We all come from different walks of life. This makes our perspectives and viewpoints so valuable to others, which is ultimately why the self-help industry is a multi-billion dollar industry!
In my opinion, good advice does so much more than just inspire you; it leads you to new paths in life and presents outcomes that are better than you could ever expect.
They are words of wisdom from people who learnt hard lessons, and want you to avoid their same mistakes. They alter your perspectives, keep you grounded, make you grateful, and shift your focus to what is really important in life.
I hope that this blog post has done just that for you.
Thank you so much for reading! Don’t forget to share this post to someone who needs it!
Have an amazing day!
Lots of love, Mia Xx
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Hi, I’m Mia!
Teen dream celebrates, supports and connects young women of all shapes, sizes, ages, races and beliefs. Our website is dedicated to helping young women find balance in life, become organised, stay…