The Best 25 New Year’s Resolutions Ideas For 2021!

After the year we’ve all had in 2020, everyone is looking for a new start in 2021, myself included!


With the holiday season having begun, now is your chance to sit down and evaluate your life choices, and to put together a list of lifestyle changes that you want to implement in the new year!

And that’s where I come in!

Despite being slightly late to the trend, as follows are ‘The Best 25 New Year’s Resolutions Ideas For 2021!’

1.Drink More Water

We all know that it’s important to hydrate- especially as a growing teen. However, many of us still don’t take it seriously! It is so incredibly  important to be consuming at least 2 litres of water every day! So, in 2021, it should be everyone's goal to drink up!

2. Start A Gratitude Journal

A gratitude journal is a small journal where you write about what you are grateful for each and every day. A daily gratitude journal has been such a great outlet for me in 2020, and I couldn’t recommend one any more! So get yours now and get started!

3. Start Saving Money

It’s never too early to save up some cash! This new year's resolution is one that will really help you in the long run! Spend some time figuring out how YOU are going to save some money. Create a budget- and stick to it!

4. Face Your Fears 

With the new year, now is a better time than ever to face your fears whatever they may be! So go for it! Jump into the deep end!

5. Read More Books

Reading is one of the best skills you can have. Especially if you enjoy it! Make it a goal in 2021 to read as many books as you can in your spare time! 

6. Spend Less Time Scrolling

In this social media filled world, so much of our time is consumed by social media and scrolling through our feed. One of my biggest goals for 2021 is to cut my screen time by spending less time scrolling, and more time working!

7. Make New Friends

To start 2021 on a good note, meet some new people and make some new friends! Who knows where your friendships may lead!?

8. Make Your Bed Every Morning

Making your bed each morning is the first step of a productive day! By getting into this simple habit, you set yourself up for a year of organisation and productivity! Not to mention how good it feels coming home to a clean made bed after a long day!

9. Clean Your Room

For me, like any, my bedroom is where I spend a lot of my time. Sleeping, working, organising, procrastinating, binge watching; you get the point! A clean room not only clears space in your room, but also clears your mind, ultimately making you happier and more productive. 

10. Become More Polite

Become a better person in 2021 by making it your goal to be more polite to those around you! Treat others using the golden rule, offer your seat to those who need it on the bus and compliment those you love! You’ll see how much happier you feel!

11. Stop Watching TV

The TV is one of the biggest distractions in a household, often being responsible for procrastination, late nights and unfinished homework! By adding this resolution and cutting your hours in front of the TV, you set yourself up for a great start to the new year!

12. Volunteer

Giving back to the community through your precious time and efforts is a great way to start 2021. Volunteering at your local library, beach clean up, nursing home or op shop brings boosted health and happiness to all!

13. Start Working Out

As one of the most common new year's resolutions there is, working out, or striving to be fit and healthy in 2021 is a great goal to aspire to! By staying committed to working out as often as you can, you can undoubtedly reach your goal! Go for it!

14. Start Eating Healthier

Once again, this one is probably the most obvious, but also one of the most effective when completed correctly. Eating healthy is the base for a happy, healthy and fulfilling life! And when could be a better time to start than right now!?

15. Become Organised

Though this a broad term, organising your life in every aspect in 2021 is the perfect way to start your new year! By dedicating yourself to cleaning and organising yourself and your life for a few minutes every day, you save yourself from procrastination and disappointment overall. 

16. Be More Present

Living in the moment is definitely one of my biggest resolutions for 2021! While it may be fun to look back on, sometimes it’s just best to sit back, relax, and enjoy this moment. You never know when it’ll be your last, so spend it as if it were!

17. Donate Old Toys And Clothes

Giving away old toys and clothes are a great way to give to those in need as well as declutter your room and house!

18. Try A New Hobby

On a lazy Sunday morning, it’s always a great idea to try something new! Whether it’s knitting, sewing, cooking or skating, let your creativity run wild!

19. Give Yourself A New Look

Whether it’s a new cut, set of earrings, makeup look or style change, giving yourself a new look is a great way to start the new year on a positive note! Express yourself!

20. Write Letters To Yourself

I like to compare this daily exercise to a time capsule. On a piece of paper or in a document, write down your feelings and emotions that you are experiencing in a specific moment. Not only does it relieve stress, but it also acts as a memory to come back to and read. 

21. Be More Active

While this is similar to working out, being more active in general is a great way to boost your health and happiness. Take regular walks around the block or to the park, take the stairs instead of the escalator or walk to the supermarket instead of drive. 

22. Go To Bed On Time

A messy sleep schedule leads to a messy life. Come up with a daily sleep schedule that works for you and ensures you receive at least 8 hours of sleep each night! (Ideally more, if you have the time!)

23. Give Back To Charity

Giving back to charity is a great way to benefit the lives of yourself, and others all around you. No matter what financial situation you are in, giving back to the community is a really positive way to boost your happiness in 2021!

24. Learn A New Skill

Whenever you’re bored, or don’t know what to do, try learning a new skill! Try to make a goal of doing this at least once a month! Some fun examples of new skills to try include learning how to pick a lock, shuffle cards, cook a delicious meal or tie basic knots!

25. Stop Procrastinating

If you’re a teenager in high school, this is for you. One of your top goals in 2021 should be to nail all your classes and get good grades to make your parents proud! Procrastinating, however, is something that always seems to get in the way! Make it your mission to overcome procrastination and you’ll be golden!

The Bottom Line:

And there you have it! There were 25 of the best New Year's resolutions for YOU to achieve in 2021! 

Thank you all so much for reading and wishing you all happiness, good health and good fortune in 2021!

Have an amazing day!

Want to know how you can stick to these resolutions all throughout the year?!

New blog post coming soon!

I Wanna Know! What Are YOUR New Year’s Resolutions?!

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Hi, I’m Mia!


Teen dream celebrates, supports and connects young women of all shapes, sizes, ages, races and beliefs. Our website is dedicated to helping young women find balance in life, become organised, stay…




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