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School Mia Ginger School Mia Ginger

My Top Reads For 2021!

I’ll be honest with you. As a kid, I never enjoyed reading. Rather, I saw it as a chore.

I always thought it was boring, a punishment from my teachers and purely a waste of time. (Sorry to have a go at all the bookworms out there😬!)

While I am definitely no bookworm now, I’ve finally found an area of reading that appeals to me.

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Lifestyle Mia Ginger Lifestyle Mia Ginger

10 Tips To Make Your New Year’s Resolution Stick!

The start of a new year is the perfect time to turn to a new page and start a new chapter of your life. For many, this means a healthier, happier and more active life.

Despite it only making the difference of one day, for many, the new year feels like a fresh start and the perfect opportunity to change themselves for the better!

However, many resolutions are better said than done, as most of us have already gone back to our old ways within a few weeks!

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Lifestyle Mia Ginger Lifestyle Mia Ginger

The Best 25 New Year’s Resolutions Ideas For 2021!

After the year we’ve all had in 2020, everyone is looking for a new start in 2021, myself included.

With the holiday season having begun, now is your chance to sit down and evaluate your life choices, and to put together a list of lifestyle changes that you want to implement in the new year!

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Fashion Mia Ginger Fashion Mia Ginger

The Fashion Trends For Summer 2020/2021!

So far, 2020 has been an extremely weird and eventful year. 

However, as the weather transitions out of Winter and into the warmer seasons, I think we’re all hoping things will be ‘back to normal’ by the time Summer rolls around. 

What’s great about living in Australia for me, is that we get to see what’s trending around the world before Summer even starts! It gives us a great idea of what everyones wearing, and how to wear that in our everyday lives. 

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