10 Tips To Make Your New Year’s Resolution Stick!

By making your new year's resolutions specific and realistic, you are much more likely to keep them throughout the year, creating positive habits and lifestyles out of them.


The start of a new year is the perfect time to turn to a new page and start a new chapter of your life. For many, this means a healthier, happier and more active life. 

Despite it only making the difference of one day, for many, the new year feels like a fresh start and the perfect opportunity to change themselves for the better!

However, many resolutions are better said than done, as most of us have already gone back to our old ways within a few weeks!

And that’s where I come in! Here are “10 Tips To Make Your New Year’s Resolution Stick!”

If you want to read my last blog post on “The Best 25 New Year’s Resolutions Ideas For 2021!”

1. Be Specific

Instead of selecting a vague goal to focus on as your new year’s resolutions, focus on something more concrete and specific, that you can realistically set your sights on. 

2. Be Realistic

One mistake many of us make when choosing our resolutions is choosing a new year's resolution that is completely unattainable! This not only causes us to fail super quickly, but completely plummets our motivation, ruining out chances for any other goals. Instead, strive for a goal that is attainable and realistic!

3. Limit Your Resolutions

While you may think that committing yourself to a whole list of resolutions makes you more likely to achieve them, this is quite the opposite. Many studies say that it is best to focus your time and energy on one or two really important resolutions,  rather than spread yourself thin across many. 

Taking on too many resolutions at once can be overwhelming and daunting, causing you to fall out of these habits much faster than hoped. 

4. Don’t Beat Yourself Up

Aiming for perfection for your new year’s resolution is completely unrealistic and unattainable. Minor missteps or steps backwards during your journey is completely normal and OK! Don’t beat yourself up because of small errors! Everyone has ups and downs, and what’s important is that you learn from your mistakes and get back on track!

5. Ask For Support

Getting support from a friend or family member is a great way to stay motivated during the  year, whilst you adjust to the new lifestyle surrounding your new year's resolution. While it can be confronting to ask for help or support, that’s how a buddy system works! You’re there for each other! 

6. Stay Motivated

During the first days of the new year, your motivation is at its peak, and you’re most likely feeling positive, motivated, pumped and ready to start fresh in order to achieve your goals. 

However, as time goes by, your motivation to keep up your new year's resolution may dwindle. By reminding yourself why you want to achieve your goals and rewarding yourself along the way, staying motivated becomes a lot easier! 

7. Take Small Steps

Taking on too much too quickly is a common reason why so many new year's resolutions fail. Instead of taking on too much at once, focus on taking tiny steps that will ultimately help you reach your larger goal. While it may seem like a slow start, these small changes make it easier to stick to your positive habits and increase their likelihood of long-term success. 

8. Reward Yourself

Like taking small steps, rewarding yourself along the way as you work towards your new year's resolutions is super important. It's not just about the end result; but the journey it took to get there. Don’t be hesitant to reward yourself every once in a while!

9. Make A Plan

Dedicating time to making a step-by-step plan of how you’re going to achieve your new years resolutions is key to success! Without analysing what your goal is and how you’re going to get there, I regret to inform you that your chances of getting there are slim. However, while it is important to take time to make a process, spending a few minutes each day is all you need to stay on track!

10. Identify, Imagine And Manifest Your Desired Outcome

Identifying, imagining and manifesting your desired outcome is a great drive for motivation as you work towards achieving your new year’s resolutions! However, this strategy is not only a great motivation boost, but it also allows you to analyse what you need to specifically do to achieve your goal!

The Bottom Line:

New Years resolutions are difficult to stick to, they really are. So, this year,  don’t forget to be kind to yourself, and to celebrate any and all progress towards your goals!

It’s not just about achieving the end goal- it’s about the journey that leads you there!

Thank you for reading! Have an amazing day!

What Are Your New Years Resolutions?! Share Them In The Comments Below!


Hi, I’m Mia!


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