The Unwritten Rules Of Girl Code!

Girl code is the unwritten set of rules and ethics set by girls, for girls. They are, quite simply, the DO’s and DON’Ts of friendships between best friends, as well as strangers. 


In today’s society, it is so important to support and look out for other girls! It is the bond, that we as women, all share with one another, by showing our support and friendship. 

Please Note!!! Many of these rules could easily make or break a friendship, depending on the severity!

Here are the unwritten rules of girl code! Hope you enjoy!

Don’t Hate On Girls You Don’t Know-

If you don’t know someone, don’t hate on them. It is the worst feeling to find out someone has talked about you negatively, especially having never spoken a word to them.

Keep Secrets To Yourself-

Any secrets your best friends tell you, whether they are big or small and seemingly unimportant, keep to yourself! Don’t share her business with others!

Be Honest-

While the truth can hurt, if your friend asks for your opinion on something, whether it be clothes, hair, or makeup for example, BE HONEST! It is much better to save her the embarrassment.

Know Who Is Off-Limits-

This is a big one! Know who is off limits! Siblings, friends, exes and previously announced crushes are off limits until you get permission from your friends. Think about how you’d feel in their shoes.

Compliment Others-

Spread happiness in this world and compliment other women! Rather than break them down, build them up! Strangers, friends, siblings, parents; build up through compliments and positive comments. 

Never Make A Girl Apologise For Her Feelings-

Never make a girl apologise for how she feels, especially if she has just opened her heart and gushed her emotions in front of you. Rather than react in a negative way, assure her and show that you’re here.

Always Use The Group Chat As A Second Opinion-

Sometimes a second opinion is needed. Screenshot and send your girlfriends any interactions with guys to get help with what to say next, or just to keep them in the loop!

Be Happy For Your Besties Achievements-

Anything positive that happens to your bestie, happens to you too! Celebrate their successes as if they were your own. Build her up and show your support.

Arrive Together, Leave Together-

For almost any situation, as kids, teens and adults, please follow this rule. If you arrive together, you leave together. Never forget!

Always Take Your Besties Side-

Regardless of whether you agree with her or not, always take your best friend's side! Her enemy is your enemy- it doesn’t matter who she is up against.

Be Your Besties First Date Check- In-

If your bestie is going on a first date, so are you! Always make sure to check in on your girlfriend and make sure she is safe and enjoying herself! Call her, text her, track her, or watch from the side!

Help Your Bestie Send Angry Texts-

If your best friend is having girl/guy problems, give them a helping hand! Help them write their angry long text message and let them know their worth. Win this battle together!

Sisters Before Misters-

Never ditch your sisters for a guy/girl, or blow them off to go hang out without them. It’s not worth losing a friendship over a guy. Sisters before misters, there is no excuse! 

Be An Amazing Photographer-

Every time the camera is turned on, become a literal photographer for your girlfriends. Take beautiful pictures from every angle and show off their beauty! They’ll really appreciate it!

Save Any Girl From A Creepy Guy-

Whether you’re friends, best friends or complete strangers, help any girl out who is dealing with a creepy guy. Girls need to stick together and help each other- always!

Remind Your Bestie Of How Much You Love Them-

Never forget to remind your bestie of how much you love them. And never forget to remind yourself how much you appreciate them and everything they do for you! While it’s cheesy, I know, it’s always worth letting them know.

Vent To Your BFF And Let Her Vent To You-

Everytime they need it, become your BFF’s personal therapist! Let her vent to you, and then you can vent to her in return. There should be no judgement, only intense love and support for one another.

Always Defend Your Bestie-

Even in her absence, always defend your best friend! You’re not true friends unless you do this. While she may never know about it, she damn would appreciate it!

Protect Your Bestie, Always! -

Anywhere; anytime. Always protect your best friend from anything that could hurt or harm her! Treat her happiness and safety as highly as your own. Her parents will thank you.

Insult Your Best Friend Constantly-

Constantly insult your bestie to let her know how much you love and appreciate her. I mean, honestly, are you even best friends if you don’t?

The Bottom Line:

Whether you’re best friends or strangers, the unwritten rules of girl code are put in place to allow girls to support and look after one another. It is so important, now more than ever, to look out for yourself, as well as other girls in society. These rules help us create and maintain the positive, happy and healthy friendships with those who we care about. Thank you for reading!


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