How To Instantly Feel Happier!

We all strive to be happy. It’s human nature. 

However, sometimes being happy is harder than it looks. 


While many factors can negatively affect our happiness, including our mental health, genetics and current living situation, there are also ways we can boost the positive vibes! 

Whether these tips make you feel happy instantly, or present long-term happiness, please make sure to try these tricks! (All of them ideally!) I promise you won't regret it!

Happiness benefits our lives in so many ways! A happy mindset leads to a happy lifestyle, and a happy lifestyle brings upon a happy life. Happiness boosts productivity, strengthens your immune system, combats stress and reduces chances of disease or physical pain. 

Here are my top ways to instantly feel happier! Hope you enjoy it!


Meditation is a great way to connect with your inner self. It is proven to teach you stress management skills, increased self awareness, an increased pain tolerance and imagination, as well as a reduction of negative emotions. 5 Minutes a day will help you feel both happier and calmer. 

Try Yoga-

Practising yoga is a real mood-booster that is proven to help you combat stress, anxiety and depression, as well as boost your immunity. In the long term, these effects contribute to your long-term health in many positive ways!

Get Outside-

Get outside and get some fresh air! Whether you just sit on your front porch or stand on a balcony, looking out into nature and smelling the fresh, clean air, will really give you a new perspective. 

Write Down 3 Things You’re Grateful For-

By looking on the positive side of things; thinking about and writing about what you are grateful for, your mood is boosted. These little signs of gratitude start your day on a great note, and let you know why you are so lucky to be where you are.

Smile More-

Even if you don’t feel like it, smiling makes you feel happier. It’s a proven fact. Look at the world around you and smile, genuinely. You’ll see how quickly your mood changes when you do so!

Eat Healthy-

Your mind and body are connected together. When you look after your physical health, your mental health benefits, and vise versa. By eating healthy, unprocessed food filled with nutrients, vitamins and minerals, your physical health and mental wellbeing will all benefit!

Get Sweaty-

Once again, your physical health has a massive impact on your mental health! Working out by walking, running, or completing any sort of exercise is a great contributor to happiness. When we sweat, our body releases endorphins, the feel-good hormone, making us feel happier overall. So…. get sweatin’!

Sleep More-

Sleeping is SO important for our health and happiness! Without a full night's sleep, (at least 8 hours every day!) you are much more likely to feel unhappy, tired and irritable. It is a large factor on whether you wake up feeling happy or not! So… make sure to get those zzzzzzzzz!

Make Plans-

When you have something to look forward to, you are much less likely to focus on the negatives than the positives. Even something small like meeting up for a study session, a meal with friends or a shopping afternoon, can boost your happiness through anticipation. 


It’s proven that giving back to others makes us feel better about ourselves. Volunteer at your local shelter, nursing home or soup kitchen to boost your mood and happiness! Not only will it positively affect you, but it will also really benefit the lives of others!

Complete A Kind Gesture-

Others' happiness creates our happiness- that's how we, as humans, work. So, do something nice for someone! Even if they don’t know or see it coming! Write a positive ‘you’re beautiful’ note on the mirror, help someone with their groceries or go out of your way to help a friend!

Text A Friend-

Reaching out to someone and letting them know how amazing they are really boosts our mood. Their reaction filled with happiness will make you feel awesome!

Do Things You Do When You’re Happy-

Okay, hear me out! Even if you aren’t in the mood, or don’t feel happy enough to participate, please try this! Do something that you do when you’re happy, that makes you feel happier. While it may feel weird at first, try to enjoy it, and remember why it makes you happy.

Stop Comparing Yourself To Others-

One of our biggest downfalls as teens, occurs when we compare, or get compared, to others. Whether it’s your friends, your parents or your subconscious mind, it NEEDS to stop! Let them know you don’t appreciate it, or tell yourself that you’re gonna stop. Make it your mission to eliminate those thoughts and opinions from your life! It is only dragging you down.

Go Easy On Yourself-

Unfortunately, we are often our toughest critics. While it’s important to strive for perfection and self-improvement, pushing ourselves too hard to do well can easily be our biggest downfall. Rather than beat ourselves up, we need to accept our imperfections and look on the bright side! 

Blast Some Tunes-

Try to frown while listening to some of your favorite upbeat songs. While it may seem silly, blasting some songs can reduce symptoms of stress, and boost your happiness in general. 

Spread Joy! -

Like laughing, happiness is really contagious! By acting happy, your happiness spreads to all those around you, including friends, family and strangers. It’s a win-win situation!

Write Down Your Feelings-

Research shows that writing down your feelings is an extremely beneficial way to release past negative feelings and move forward with happiness. If you are ever feeling extremely angry or sad at someone or something, write about it. It will make you feel so much better.

Treat Yourself-

Everyone deserves to treat themselves every now and then! So… treat yourself to something you’ll enjoy! Whether that be a bath, a tasty treat or a shopping spree, do whatever makes you happy!

See The Glass Half-Full -

Optimism is one of the best accompanying traits of happiness! By looking on the brighter side of life, you open up so many doors of possibilities to feel happiness! While it may be hard sometimes, I genuinely understand, just try it, and see how you feel! You won’t regret it!

Practise Self-Care -

With such stressful everyday lives, it can often be hard to get the chance to wind down and look after yourself. That’s why I recommend practising customised self care rituals as often as you can (ideally everyday.) This can be a skincare routine, a bath or writing in a journal!


With so many negative causes of unhappiness, such as stress, anxiety or the breaking of trust, it can often leave us physically and mentally wounded. Next time you feel uneasy, overwhelmed or in pain, try breathing using these steps.

  1. Close your eyes and envision someone/somewhere that makes you feel happy.

  2. Take a long deep breath through your nose.

  3. Slowly breath out through your mouth.

  4. Repeat this process until you feel calm.

Spend Time With Those You Love-

Socialising is one of the best ways to feel happy and calm, especially with those you love. We feel happy when we are surrounded by friends and family, and use the time to socialise and improve our happiness!

Start A New Hobby-

Starting a new hobby is yet another way to boost your happiness through mental stimulation. BY taking time to learn and practise, you experience the feeling of confidence and accomplishment, which ultimately boost your happiness! Try something you’ve always wanted to try! Origami, a new language, piano, editing; go wild!

Let Go Of The Past-

By letting go of negative pasts, we allow ourselves to move forward. Grudges, as much as they may seem necessary, hold us back from our full potential. Rather than letting negative influences loom over you, let them go and prove how amazing you can be!

The Bottom Line:

These tips are just a few of the many small things you can do to have a big positive impact on your health, wellbeing and overall happiness! As like anything, happiness is something you need to continuously nurture and look after, to allow it to grow. While it may seem difficult now, continuous efforts to boost your happiness will benefit you in the long run! Thank you for reading!

If you ever need anyone to talk to, feel free to send me a message on email at or on instagram @miasteendream. 

Have an amazing day!


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Hi, I’m Mia!


Teen dream celebrates, supports and connects young women of all shapes, sizes, ages, races and beliefs. Our website is dedicated to helping young women find balance in life, become organised, stay…




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