The Art Of Getting What You Want!

Everyone has dreams and desires in their lives, it’s a given. Whether they’re desires for today, wishes for tomorrow, or dreams you hope to come true in years from now, it's inevitable that we want something seemingly impossible to attain. 

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However, it doesn’t need to be that way. If you look at the people in the world and everything they’ve achieved, it’s easy to say (in my opinion) that anything is possible. 

Despite that, we still somehow make ourselves think that getting a dream job is unattainable or that passing your final exams is impossible. 

If you want to achieve the goals that you have always wanted, though never thought was possible, you’re in the right place. 

Here is a step-by-step guide on ‘The Art Of Getting What You Want In Life!’ 

No matter what you want, no matter how you need to get there, you can do anything!

Hope you like it!

Decide What You Want:

When it comes to getting what you want, deciding what you want always seems to be the hardest part. While you may just go ‘Oh, I want this’, it really is much more complicated than that. Deciding what you genuinely want is so important as you’ll have no way of getting what you want if you haven’t devised a way to get it. For this step, you really need to sit down and think about what you want and why. Since the process often takes a while, you’ll have to really want whatever it is, in order to stay motivated when striving to get it. 

Create A ‘Must Do’ List:

Once you’ve decided exactly what you want, it is finally time to create a plan of how to get there. In order to do this, you must come up with a ‘must do’ list. Now, until a few months ago, I’d never heard of a must do list, but after learning more about it, I realised how crucial it is to make one. Everyone has a to-do list, and most of them are rarely completed. This is since to-do lists rarely pose urgency. Instead, you must redefine the word and change it to a ‘Must Do’ list. This will help you begin with baby steps as you work towards your goal. Make sure to have a long-term goal list, and short-term list for goals to complete everyday as you work towards your long-term goals. Make sure you don’t overload yourself and keep your goals specific and achievable. 

Set Goals And Create A Timeline:

Now, you’ve got yourself a goal to achieve and a ‘Must Do’ list! Amazing job! The next thing you need to do is create a timeline! Ideally, you want to set your goals and create a timeline on how quickly you achieve your smaller goals leading to your overall goal. By writing down your goals and how you’re going to achieve them, you are more likely to succeed (even if it takes longer than expected!) Remember to be realistic when creating your goals. While it’s great to reach for the stars, sometimes not everything is physically possible. Most long term goals take anywhere from 6 months to 5 years to achieve. However, depending on what you want, how you get there will vary. Creating a timeline will also help you keep accountability!

Be Prepared To Take On The Responsibility:

Now, while it’s easy to wish for something and to want it, sometimes we don’t realistically think about the effects of getting it. Close your eyes and think about it. Once you have what you want, will the responsibilities or privileges given to you be well taken care of, and are you ready to receive it?! No matter how much thought has gone into a dream, it always changes once it becomes a reality, a bit like a metaphor for becoming a celebrity, for example. For this one, take yourself through the process of getting what you want and everything that will come with it, the good and the bad. Is it right for you

Avoid Those Who Bring You Down:

At its core, jealousy is at the root of all our negative feelings towards other people. While it kind of sucks to hear, it’s also reassuring. Has anyone ever disliked you for no reason, or said bad things about you without even knowing you? If they have, it’s probably just envy or jealousy. People get mad at others with things they don’t have. And… That’s the truth. Without realising it, some of your friends or even family may be the ones bringing you down or holding you back from what you want in life. If this is the case, even if it seems like they have good intentions, it may be a good idea to move away from those negative or toxic vibes trying to bring you down. 

Stay Focused On Your Goal:

When it comes to getting what you want, motivation always comes into play. Staying focused on your goal and what you want, rather than losing your motivation and giving up, is a complete MUST! While it can be easy to get off track from our goals for days, weeks, months or even years, it’s important to make your goals prevalent in your life so you can keep your spark of motivation bright. Seeing your goals written down each day will keep you reminded of what you’re fighting for and how you’re going to get it!

Understand What’s Holding You Back:

With anything that we want, there is almost always something holding us back. When working towards your goal, try thinking about what’s holding you back from reaching your full potential. It could be a person, a belief or even a mentality, but acknowledging this will allow you to figure out how to let go of it, and propel yourself forward!

Study People That Have What You Want:

No matter what you want, just know that someone has achieved it before. What’s great about this is that it allows you to study the behaviours, goals, perspectives and achievements of people who already have what you want. Whether it’s the smart kid in class, your work manager or a millionaire, by looking at how these people achieved their goals, it allows you to get a head start. If you can, talk to the person. Ask them about the challenges they faced, how different it is to how they were expecting, and what they would do differently if given the chance. This is the perfect opportunity to achieve your goal the easier way. 

Ask… And Be Specific:

This is the part where action becomes key. While it seems super obvious, asking for what you want and making it crystal clear is something many of us forget when trying to get something. In truth, people are selfish. They will never give you something positive that you never asked for unless they want something in return. In order to get what you want, you need to ask. Don’t let the fear of rejection or fear of failure get the most of you!

Stop Apologising:

While asking for something you want in high places can be stressful and awkward and scary when you first do it, the one mistake all rookies make is apologizing. Don’t get me wrong, it’s important to be polite when asking a superior for something, however, the sentence doesn’t need to begin with ‘I’m sorry but I’m just wondering…’ or ‘It doesn’t matter if you can’t.’ By apologizing for what you want in an effort to be polite, you are only showing whoever you’re asking that you’re not 100% sure if you want/are ready for what you want. You have nothing to be sorry for. And most people will realise that. Strength, confidence and willingness are key when it comes to getting what you want. Don’t back down!

Be Persistent:

Despite what you may think, the world doesn’t revolve around you, or any of us as a matter of fact! So you may not be given what you wanted straight away or at all. However, the key to overcoming this is being persistent. Whatever you want, you’re going to get. So, if your first attempt didn’t work, try a new approach working from a new perspective. If the door is closed, try a window! Every successful person in the world was rejected many times before getting what they wanted, and that’s often just how life is. It doesn't mean you’re a failure, all it means is that you have to try something new. Keep going!

Continually Re-Affirm Your Wishes:

Lasting, continually re-affirm your wishes! No matter how much work, time, blood, sweat and tears it takes, you can do anything if you really want to! Every challenge and every obstacle is just a new opportunity to become better at what you do. Rather than giving up straight away, keep sight of your goal and why you really want it. Don’t dwell on past attempts, focus on future successes! Success is in sight! I can assure you of that.

The Bottom Line:

Whether it's a good grade, a promotion at work or a goal to work towards, anything can be done if you put your mind to it. The art of getting what you want is not just about thinking and believing, but also about hard work and reapplied commitment. 

To get what you want in order to succeed in your goal, you also have to be prepared to make sacrifices and get through all of the negativity and roadblocks that come along with your journey. 

It’s not going to be easy; I can tell you that. But the longer you accept your current life or situation filling you with negativity or unhappiness, the more burnt out you’ll become. 

Are you ready to make the change? If you are, get on your way! 

It’s time to re-evaluate your life and transform it into your dream!


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Hi, I’m Mia!

Teen dream celebrates, supports and connects young women of all shapes, sizes, ages, races and beliefs. Our website is dedicated to helping young women find balance in life, become organised, stay…




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