How To Get Motivated As A High School Student!

When it comes to academic and life success, especially during the midst of a pandemic, motivation and staying motivated is undoubtedly the most important thing to remember. 

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While high school often makes it difficult to stay both focused and motivated, with the large piles of homework and coursework to finish in such short amounts of time, it certainly is possible!

Often, it can seem overwhelming to sit down and study for that exam, finish that assignment, or catch up with your past due homework, but motivation is key to keeping up!

In order to help YOU become/stay motivated in high school or university...

Here Are My Top Ways To Get Motivated As A High School Student! Hope you enjoy!

Be Clear: Why Do You Want Better Grades:

One of the best ways to boost your motivation and become a better student is finding a reason behind wanting better grades. Try not to have reasonings such as receiving materialistic things and rewards, focus more on improving yourself or your future.

Some main examples of reasons why you may want good grades include:

  • I want to get a high ATAR on my HSC

  • I want to get into my dream university course

  • I want to make my parents proud

  • I want to improve and extend my knowledge

  • I want to try my hardest

  • I want to become focused and disciplined 

Make A Study Routine:

As humans, our entire lives are based on our everyday habits. Using this to our advantage, in order to stay motivated and study effectively, making a study routine is the best way to go!

To make a study routine, dedicate and/or schedule time in each day or week to study at your desk for a specific subject. Do this for at least 30-40 days to start to form a habit. 

Once you’ve made it this far, you’ve got it! Continue this routine and ace all your exams and assignments!

Break Down Large Tasks:

Breaking up big or overwhelming tasks into smaller and more achievable tasks is a great way to achieve more in less time with full motivation. 

Let’s say you have to write an essay. Rather than writing β€˜write essay’ on your to-do list, split it into smaller tasks that you can achieve in shorter time frames. For example, instead you would write β€˜research, introduction, paragraph 1, paragraph 2, paragraph 3, conclusion.’

Find Support:

A great way to stay motivated is to have a network of friends or family members to support you and your schooling endeavours. Join or create a group of people who want to support each other and motivate them to succeed. If you’re ever feeling overwhelmed or stressed, it’s always good to check in with someone to let them know how you’re feeling and going. Some examples of support networks and people you can potentially talk to include friends, family members, teachers, mentors, counsellors or your parents. 

Think About The Big Picture:

This point links to my first point. Thinking about the big picture and looking into your dream/ideal future is a great way to further improve and motivate yourself. Think about your dream ATAR, dream university, dream job/position, dream house, and dream life with your future family. Thinking about this should undoubtedly help you spark motivation to get where you want to be in life. 

Surround Yourself With People Who Motivate You:

When I was younger, my mum always used to tell me, β€œYou are the average of the 5 people closest to you.” And I want you to think about that. Are the people around you a worse version of yourself? Or a better version?

If you surround yourself with people who are lazy and inconsistent when it comes to work, chances are you will soon be too. Try to surround yourself with people who don’t bring you down, but also don’t  make you feel stressed and pressured in order to bring yourself up. Find the sweet spot!

Apply Some Time Management Techniques:

If you want to learn about time management, and how to manage your time more effectively, click the button below to check out one of my most recent blog posts!

Acknowledge Your Accomplishments:

Whenever you finish a large sum of homework, an exam or large assignment or task, don’t forget to acknowledge your wins! Even if it’s something smaller, like finishing a book, finishing your classwork or catching up, celebrate your incremental successes and reward yourself!

While you should make sure not to sidetrack yourself completely, do something small for yourself such as catch up on your socials, take a walk, watch an episode on Netflix or enjoy a sweet treat!

Don’t Let Failure Derail You:

Every now and then, we all experience what we in our own minds call β€˜failure’. While it may be hard to accept and take in, for example you may not pass your assignment, flunk a test or not get a great report, it is so important to stay focused. 

Don’t get discouraged if things didn’t turn out how you’d like, failure is always an opportunity to succeed and learn from what you’ve done so you never do it again! Don’t give up! 

Ups and downs; wins and fails are all a part of life and learning.

Make A To-Do List:

While this technically does count as a time-management strategy, this one is undoubtedly one of the most important ones! Making a to-do list is a great way to write down everything that needs to be done in your life over the next few hours, days, weeks or even months!

Personally, I write to-do lists for everything! While I have one main long-term to-do list, which includes homework, assignment, projects and other forms of work, I also have other to-do lists that help me follow my morning and evening routine, as well as get ready for a long day. 

I could not recommend a to-do list any more!

Have A Healthy Balance:

Since school is seemingly never-ending, staying motivated is really hard when you potentially face burning out or losing your motivation. This means it is extremely important to find a healthy balance between work and play. While you should try and study each night before bed, you should make sure that school and work doesn’t consume your entire life. Make sure you spend time with your family, go out with your friends and enjoy your teenage years without any burdens or responsibilities holding you back!

The Bottom Line:

Success in both school and life is all about motivation. While there are so many people out there who are smarter than both you and me, the real reason they may not all β€˜succeed’ in their own eyes is because of their motivation to do so. 

You can do anything you want to in life, but only if you believe in yourself and put in the work. 

I hope these tips help you to become a more motivated student, in order to benefit your life and boost your schooling success. 


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Hi, I’m Mia!

Teen dream celebrates, supports and connects young women of all shapes, sizes, ages, races and beliefs. Our website is dedicated to helping young women find balance in life, become organised, stay…




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