Keep up with my latest blog posts below! Find everything you need to know about navigating teen life, personal development, wellness and setting yourself up for success!

School Mia Ginger School Mia Ginger

What’s In My Backpack!? The Ultimate High School Guide!

I remember my very first day of high school, and all the preparation that went into organising my brand new school bag. I was convinced that I needed a solution to every problem, an item for every scenario and practically packed my entire life into my backpack!

Looking back, I realise how much of a mistake that was, and how carrying an unnecessary 10 kilos on my shoulders created one big mess.

Now in year 9, I still carry a backpack (since I’m not all too interested in handbags and tote bags), and have gotten the real hang of packing the necessities, as well as some extras just in case!

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School Mia Ginger School Mia Ginger

How To Get Motivated As A High School Student!

When it comes to academic and life success, motivation and staying motivation is undoubtedly the most important thing to remember.

While high school often makes it difficult to stay both focused and motivated, with the large piles of homework and coursework to finish in such short amounts of time, it certainly is possible!

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Lifestyle Mia Ginger Lifestyle Mia Ginger

How To Be More Sustainable!

For Gen Z specifically, over the past few years, we have become so knowledgeable and motivated to change the previous generations' ways, in order to make a better world for our children, and their children to follow.

Everything we do in our day-to-day lives impacts the environment, often for worse rather than better. Today, I’ll be talking about ‘17 Ways To Be More Sustainable’ throughout our everyday lives, in order to look after and preserve our planet.

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School Mia Ginger School Mia Ginger

How To Add More Hours To Your Day!

Ever felt like there wasn’t enough hours in the day to get everything done? Let me tell you, I can relate!

Time management seems to be an issue almost everyone faces as they struggle to fit everything into their daily lives. So many things to do in so little time! It’s a struggle we all face.

Now, while we only have, and only ever will have, 24 hours a day, these problems that we endure aren't due to a lack of time, but due to a misuse of time.

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Lifestyle, Health Mia Ginger Lifestyle, Health Mia Ginger

15 Things To Do Every Night Before Bed!

Getting a good night's sleep is essential to our physical and mental health.

While we spend approximately one third of our life sleeping, for many, they still ignore and lack acknowledgement of the importance of sleep.

Sleep benefits us in almost every way; boosting and optimizing all aspects of our life. Lack of sleep, on the other hand, does the complete opposite.

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School Mia Ginger School Mia Ginger

How To Deal With Stress As A Student!

Students are often the most common victims of stress. Factors such as family problems, friendships, relationships, school work, assignments and social media are just some of the many stressors that students experience.

In the age of social media and technology, the world has seen a dramatic increase in mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, ADHD, OCD and other disorders often characterised by stress.

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Health Mia Ginger Health Mia Ginger

13 Easy Hacks For Drinking More Water!

We all know that we need to stay hydrated. It is something told to use by every parent, teacher and friend. But despite how important it is to drink water, we all seem to ignore it.

In our everyday lives, there are many reasons why people don’t drink as much water as they’re supposed to. You may be busy? You may hate the taste of water? You may hate the taste or prefer an energy drink or coffee instead? You may hate the idea of being on the toilet all day.

Whatever it may be, I get it. But that doesn’t remove the fact that water is SUCH a needed part of life and growing, especially as teenagers!

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