13 Easy Hacks For Drinking More Water!

We all know that we need to stay hydrated. It is something told we are told to do by every parent, teacher and friend. But despite how important it is to drink water, we all seem to ignore it. 

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In our everyday lives, there are many reasons why people don’t drink as much water as they’re supposed to. You may be busy? You may hate the taste of water? You may hate the taste or prefer an energy drink or coffee instead? You may hate the idea of being on the toilet all day.

Whatever it may be, I get it. But that doesn’t remove the fact that water is SUCH a needed part of life and growing, especially as teenagers! 

Water is responsible for maintaining an electrolyte balance, getting rid of bodily waste, keeping your temperature and blood pressure normal, preventing constipation, protecting sensitive tissue, promoting cell health and cushioning your joints. 

This means you have lower risks for diseases such as high blood pressure, cancer, kidney stones, stroke and heart disease. 

If you want to drink more water but don’t know how, then this is for you! Here are ‘13 Easy Hacks For Drinking More Water!’

Calculate How Much Water You Need:

The average woman needs approximately 2.7 litres of water each day while the average man needs approximately 3.7. While this is a basic outline of how much water to drink, there is a simple way to calculate how much you need to drink. 

  1. Since your weight affects how much water you need to drink, you need to know your approximate weight in pounds. 

  2. Then, multiply this number by ⅔ /67% on a calculator. Whatever that number is, that is how much water you should be drinking each day in ounces. To change from ounces to litres, place it in a good calculator.

  3. Lastly, it is important to take into account exercise. Add 12 ounces, or 350mls, per 30 minutes of exercise you complete each day. 

This is an accurate way to determine your necessary water intake. 

Set A Goal:

Setting a daily goal is a great way to get more water into your system! Make sure these goals are realistic and attainable. If you currently struggle to drink a lot of water, feel free to build up to your ultimate goal. Start with 1 litre per day, then add another cup each day until you reach your recommended water intake! Don’t forget to record your progress and try to beat your previous day's intake!

Reward Yourself:

A great way to stay motivated as you allocate and complete your daily water intake goals, is rewarding yourself! No matter how big or small your reward is, who doesn’t get excited about a prize at the end of the week! Make a rule that if you meet your goals everyday for 7 days in a row, that you will reward yourself with something from the shops, a short netflix binge, a sweet treat, or a hangout with friends. It’s up to you!

Carry A Reusable Water Bottle EVERYWHERE:

Keeping a reusable water bottle with you throughout the day often helps you drink more water! With me, I always carry my reusable drink bottle, filled with water and ready to drink from. This is a much better alternative than single-use bottles, not only for the environment, but for you, too! Wherever you go, whether it be school, sport, errands or shopping, a reusable bottle stands as a visual reminder to drink more!

Add Flavours To Your Water:

A great way to jazz things up when it comes to water is to add some mix-ins to add flavour and fun! If you dislike the taste of water, or easily become bored when attempting to drink it, feel free to add some fruits and veggies of your choice in order to flavour your water! 

Some of the most popular fruits and combinations include cucumber and mint, lemon and lime, strawberry slices or kiwi fruit, or just some of the many fruity combinations available! Go wild!

Drink Before Each Meal:

A great way to add some extra milliliters to your daily water intake, is by drinking 2 tall glasses of water before every meal. Not only does this increase your water intake, but is also a great way to tell whether you are truly hungry or not.

Drink After You Wake Up And Before You Go To Bed:

Like drinking water before every meal, drinking water as soon as you wake up and just before you go to sleep is also extremely beneficial. When you wake up, your body is extremely dehydrated from drinking no water all night. So, drinking a cold glass of water will help you wake up, feel refreshed and alert, as well as rehydrate you. And... just before you go to bed, drinking water helps you avoid waking up with bad breath or a dry mouth. 

Set Hourly Reminders:

Personally, this one is my go-to! Since I’m always running around with something to do, often ignoring my need to eat or drink, having hourly reminders to remind me to drink water is a great strategy! Ideally, you’d like to set a reminder for every 30 minutes in the day, however every meal time or hour worlds just as well! These reminders help you keep up, and improve your discipline. 

Use An App:

Using an app is a great way to keep up with your daily water intake, as well as make some fun out of it! If you’re not a huge fan of hourly reminders, use a free app such as ‘Daily Water’, ‘Hydro Coach’ or ‘Aqualert’. Download an app and get started! Make drinking water easy and fun!

Drink Out Of A Straw:

A smart way to drink more water is through using a straw! Personally, I find it is not only easier to drink more water at a time through a straw, but it makes it more fun, too! It’s also great for accessibility, and makes it so you can easily sip on your drink rather than open and close your water bottle each time. 

Try Herbal Tea:

Now, I don’t know about you, but I LOVE herbal tea! It’s the only tea I do drink! Have it warm and steamy in the winter, or iced and refreshing in the summer! It’s a win-win scenario! Whether you’re a fan of herbs, mint, citrus, chocolate or spice, there's heaps of options when it comes to herbal tea! Tea is a great way to up your daily water intake! Not only does it taste amazing, but it’s super good for you and makes you feel nice and calm. 

Find Alternatives For Soft Drinks:

Personally, I’ve never been a huge fan of juice or soft drinks. Growing up, we never had either in the house. All we had was water and herbal tea. But for many, soft drinks and energy drinks are a massive thing! And cutting them out of your everyday life may be harder than originally thought. So… instead of drinking soft drinks and increasing your sugar intake as well as your water intake, replace these sugary drinks with sparkling or mineral water! These drinks are not bad for you in any way and have a different taste to water, just like soda!

Eat Foods That Are High In Water:

Lastly, another creative way to increase your water intake is by eating more foods that have high water contents! Some ideas of popular foods that are almost 100% water by weight include watermelon, lettuce, cabbage, celery, zucchini, strawberries and pineapple. Just to name a few. As well as being full of water, they are also filled to the brim with vitamins, minerals and nutrients! Yum!

The Bottom Line:

Drinking water is a necessity for your health! Since approximately 60% of our entire body is made of water, it is so important that you are constantly hydrated and drinking it! While it can be hard to keep up with our busy schedules and everyday lives, making a habit of drinking more water using these 13 tips and tricks will benefit you in so many ways! You will feel happier, more refreshed and never dehydrated! Thanks for reading!


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