My Top 25 Exam Taking Tips!

Exams! Everyone's favourite part of the year! (Not!)

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For most people, this time of year is one of the most stressful times, as it’s filled with heaps of assignments, work, and exams. With half a year's work needing to be crammed and memorised purely for a hour-long test, it can be really overwhelming for many students.
With exams nearby, I wanted to write a post discussing tips for preparing for, and sitting exams and tests. 

So, if you want to survive exam week and go out of it with straight A’s, keep reading!

Here are my top tips for exams and tests: Enjoy!

Leading Up To The Exam-

Start Revising Early-

To ensure you are prepared for an exam, it is extremely important to spend a sufficient amount of time studying beforehand. When you leave it to the last minute, you are much less likely to remember and apply the knowledge for the test. So, in order to keep on top of your work, try to study and write notes for your exam as soon as you receive the reminder.

The best way to do well on an exam is to know your subject and its contents inside and out. By starting to revise early, you’ll undoubtedly do this.

Organise A Study Space-

Before sitting down to study for your exams, make sure everything around you is organised. Set up your desk in a quiet, uninterrupted location where you can effectively study. Make sure you have no distractions, that there is enough light in your room and that you’re comfortable where you’re sitting. 

Set Study Goals-

Especially during busy times of the year, including yearlys and half-yearlys, it can be a real struggle to study for all of your different subjects. To keep track of your study and revision, set study goals for each subject to complete every night leading up to an exam. This could include saying…

  • Tonight I will answer 15 equations

  • I will read through chapter review 7-9 

  • I will summarise 3:03

Study According To Your Learning Style-

To effectively study and revise for an exam, it is important to know, understand and utilise your learning style. Whatever learning style suits you, use to your advantage through your study. If you, for example, are an auditory learner, listen to lectures or podcasts about your topic.

If you want to know YOUR learning style, check out my other blog post by clicking the button below!

Take Breaks-

While it may sound effective to revise all of your work at once, sitting at your desk for hours at a time uninterrupted, taking breaks is crucial for healthy study habits. Personally, I would recommend working for 30-40 minutes before taking a 10-15 minute break, and repeating that cycle multiple times. However, some people may work best with more, or less frequent breaks. 

Ask For Help-

In the case you are struggling to understand a concept of a subject or revision topic, there is no shame in asking for help! Teachers are there to guide you through high school and help you achieve the best results you can. If you find yourself stuck, don’t hesitate to ask! It is worth it!

Study With Friends-

Organising study sessions with your friends is a great way to communicate your revision and notes to others before an exam. Not only can you give each other tips, but you can answer each other's questions and queries! Together, you can help each other work towards your goals and exam expectations!

Day Before The Exam-

Know The Exams Practical Details-

The day before an exam, make sure to go through all of the practical details of your exam. Some questions you may internally ask yourself include…

What time do I need to be there?

What time will the exam start?

Where is the exam going to take place?

What do I need to take with me?

Plan Your Exam Day-

The day before an exam, ensure you plan your day. Besides knowing the practical details of the test, make sure you know when to wake up (and to set an alarm at that time!), that your uniform/clothing is set up and ready, and that your mode of transport to the test is clear and achievable. 

Organise Materials And Notes-

For me, it has become second nature to write, print and study notes in the weeks leading up to an exam. Any materials or study notes that may be useful during the moments leading up to an exam, bring with you. So, make sure they have been printed, and are ready to be taken with you. 

Get A Good Night's Sleep-

Sufficient sleep is extremely important the night before an exam. Without sleep, our body is unable to properly function, leaving our brains foggy and tired. Make sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep and to spend your evening doing something you enjoy.

Do Not Study The Night Before/Cram-

For many, studying for an exam involves staying up late the night before a test and cramming the material. While this may be a tempting path to avoid extra effort, this strategy is extremely ineffective. Not only that, but studying makes you feel even more stressed! Rather than study the night before an exam, briefly review your study notes and get a good night's rest.

Day Of The Exam-

Drink Water-

Remember that being completely hydrated is essential for your brain to function and work at it’s best. Make sure that you’re drinking plenty of water the day before, day of, and during the exam to keep your mind on top of its game. Failure to do so may cause a lower performance in your test or exam.


While you may not think you need it, it is SO important to eat food on the day of an exam to fuel and nourish your brain! Lack of food can cause hunger, loss of concentration and fatigue during an exam, so make sure you eat breakfast, as well as lunch if the exam is later in the day.

Arrive Early-

It’s always good to arrive early to an exam to ensure you’re prepared, have all of your necessary equipment and resources, and that you don’t miss the exam. Sometimes exams and tests start on the dot, potentially leaving you flustered and rushed, or late to the exam overall. 

Don't Engage In Negative Talk-

“I’m so nervous!” “I don’t know if I studied enough…” “I’m gonna fail!”

These sorts of negative comments are often the cause for low grades in students. Even as jokes, these comments subconsciously tell ourselves that we are going to do poorly, often leading us to underperform. 

Replace Negative Self-Talk With Positive Affirmations-

In order to avoid falling into a hole of negative self-talk, replace these negative comments with positive ones. Focus on phrases such as “I am prepared, I am smart, I will do well, I have studied.” These will help you boost your confidence and overall score!

Take In What You Need-

When you enter the room or hall, make sure you only bring in what you need. In English, for example, all you’ll usually need is a pen/pencil, a sharpener (optional), a rubber (optional) and a spare pen/pencil. Don’t bring in your entire pencil case as it may distract you or take time from the test.

During The Exam-

Don’t Panic-

When sitting an exam, it is completely normal to feel nervous. However, it is important to keep on top of your breathing and try to stay calm as much as possible. Never forget that exams are not everything. They will not change your life for better or worse!

Read Through The Questions Carefully-

For subjects including maths, this point often applies. ALWAYS READ TO THE END OF THE QUESTION! No matter how much of a rush you are in, failing to read the entire length of a question can lead to lost marks, ultimately potentially deciding whether you pass or fail. This also applies to multiple choice- even if you think you’re right, read all the options before moving on.

Start With Easy Questions-

With exams, it is always a better option to start with the easiest questions first. When you allocate your time completing harder questions, you take away time from questions you are more likely to get correct. This can leave you with barely any time to finish the easy questions by the end. 

Don’t Over-Answer-

Over answering is when you write more than is needed to answer, and receive full marks, on a specific exam question. While it may seem tempting to rave on, keeping your answers short and straight to the point will help you rack up more time during an exam. Time which can be used towards longer, much harder questions. 

Be Aware Of The Time-

One of the biggest mistakes individuals make when taking an exam is losing track of time. While I disagree that it is a good idea to glue your eyes to the clock and check constantly, I believe allocating specific amounts of time to different sections of an exam can be extremely beneficial. Often, the contents of an exam will be listed on your exam notification and/or reminder. 

Use The ‘Come Back To’ Strategy-

A strategy that I have always used in exams is the ‘Come Back To’ strategy. This is where I put a square on the front of the exam and write ‘Come back To…’ inside of it. Any questions I come across in the exam that are difficult or ones that I want to come back to, I write down. Then, when I’ve gone through the booklet once, I go to, and answer, each of the unanswered.

Take Your Time-

Finally, take your time! While the clock is ticking, make sure you are allowing yourself to carefully read through and answer each question without working at an extremely slow pace. If you find yourself with a couple minutes left and some unanswered questions, answer randomly! This gives you a better chance of receiving extra marks!

The Bottom Line:

Everyone has their own ways of preparing themselves for an exam. While these notes has extremely helped me, not all of these will correlate or affect you. 

While exam week is usually a stressful and scary time, using the tips mentioned above, you can breeze through exams with straight A’s! Just remember... A little bit of stress is completely normal! It gives you adrenaline and allows you to think clearly. Wishing you all the best of luck!

You’ve got this! Have an amazing day!


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Hi, I’m Mia!


Teen dream celebrates, supports and connects young women of all shapes, sizes, ages, races and beliefs. Our website is dedicated to helping young women find balance in life, become organised, stay…




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