15 Easy Ways To Read More Books!

If I’m being completely honest, I never really enjoyed reading books when I was younger. In primary school, and even for the first year of high school or so, I genuinely didn’t like reading. 

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While there were a few series I enjoyed and a handful of books I had read over those years, it really wasn’t my thing. Many of the people I surrounded myself with loved reading, and spent every empty moment reading, however, I could never bring myself to do it. 

Now, I look back and wish I did. I wish I explored the genres and themes of different books, and found what books I actually liked reading, since it is now such a large aspect of my life.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I’ve become a reading machine who gets through 50+ books a year, because that definitely isn’t me. 

All I'm saying is that, for me, reading has now become more than a task to complete. It is something I enjoy and have learnt from. And... My hope for this blog post is that it will inspire others to give it a chance to do the same. 

Here are some of the easiest tips to help you read more books during your busy everyday life! (Even if you don’t enjoy doing it!)

Always Have A Book-

During the day, we unknowingly spend so much of our time doing nothing. This time, in between our everyday activities, is what I call β€˜filler time.’ When you have a book, I promise you’ll never become bored. Filler time activities such as waiting for the bus, walking to school, or being driven to an activity is the perfect time to grab your book, and get reading! 

Set A Goal-

It is so much easier to read more books when you set a reading goal. Keeping a goal in mind, it allows you to stay motivated as you power through your reading material. However, with that said, I also recommend not setting an unrealistic goal, especially if you’re only now getting into reading. Rather than say β€œI’m gonna read this book by the end of the week,” set small, incremental goals, such as reading 5 pages a day before bed. 

Make Reading A Part Of Your Routine-

In order to make sure you are consistently reading and keeping up with your goal, I highly recommend planning your day with reading as a part of your routine. Whether you plan to read every day on the bus, for 20 minutes before bed, just after you wake up, or for an hour after school; make sure you are allocating this time specifically. Then, with time, it will become a positive habit. 

Read Before Bed-

Now, while this one will completely depend on the person, reading before bed is great way to wind down without having to think or work. Rather than spending your time scrolling through Insta or Tik Tok, grab your favourite book and read yourself a bedtime story! Over time, this will become a part of your nighttime routine. 10-20 minutes is all you need!

Read As Soon As You Wake Up-

On the other hand, if you schedule allows, wake up half an hour earlier to read a book and start your day in a positive manner. Forget checking your social media or emails, take some time to dedicate yourself to reading in bed!

Read Audiobooks-

First of all, let me make this very clear. Listening to audiobooks is not cheating! 

Listening to audiobooks is just as good as reading. It’s a great way to give you all the information from the book, while also allowing you to multitask, and not have to carry a book around all day! It is a great habit to get into while you walk, wait or sit on the bus!

Not to mention that everyone learns differently. While some benefit from seeing words on a page and reading them, others flourish from hearing the words!

Join A Book Club-

Joining a book club is a great way to hold yourself accountable for your reading goals. When you don’t speak out about your goals, you are much less likely to achieve them. However, with a support network and set of people cheering you on and encouraging you, you are more likely to become motivated enough to reach your goals! It is also a great opportunity to discuss the books you are reading with others, and have others to help you choose a new book to read once you’re finished. 

Create An Allocated Reading Area-

Whether this is your desk, your bed or a reading nook, having a comfortable reading space is a great way to help you read more books. Make sure this area is comfy, quiet, well-lit and has everything you need for a long reading session. This will allow you to make reading more fun and relaxing for yourself, without the temptation of distractions such as the TV or your phone. 

Read Multiple Books At A Time-

While this definitely doesn’t work for everyone, for many, reading multiple books at a time helps them stay present without becoming bored of a specific book. If you aren’t in the mood for reading a horror story, mix things up by instead reading an action novel. Whatever works best for you!

Replace Negative Habits With Reading-

Something that barely any individuals notice is how much time we spend in front of the TV, listening to music or watching Netflix, for example. While reading for an hour each day seems like a lot, by replacing these negative habits with a more positive habit such as reading, you devote yourself to extending your knowledge and education. Highly recommended!

Use A Reading Tracker-

Using a reading tracker is the easiest way to keep track of your reading goals. By looking at computer extensions and Phone applications, you’ll find hundreds of different tracking options to choose from. What’s most important is that you find an app that works well for you and effectively helps you track your reading habits and achievements. 

Borrow From Your Local Library-

Books can be super expensive! So if you’re one to fly through heaps of books in a short period of time, there's a good chance you won’t be able to afford to buy them all. In this case, I highly recommend borrowing books from your local library to read! As well as the library, ebooks and audiobooks, are other great places to go!


Unfortunately, there are only 24 hours in a day. So, in order to dedicate more time for reading, multitasking is key. Some activities where you can multitask without paying full attention include walking, working out, cleaning, cooking or waiting for the bus. 

Take Breaks From Reading-

When reading, it’s also important to know your limits. When you push yourself too hard to finish a book or push through, you may end up experiencing burnout or negative physical symptoms such as an eye strain or headache. Make sure to take frequent breaks from reading and a=ensure you look after your mind and body correctly. 

Don’t Read Books You Won’t Enjoy-

Lastly, I just wanted to remind you that the reason why you read is for pleasure and enjoyment, not because it is a chore and you have to. If you pick up a book, start reading and realise you aren’t enjoying it, there is no harm in putting it down! Do not feel pressured to push through and finish it, even if you’re miserable. If you enjoy a book, keep reading. If you don’t, let it go! Read because you love it, not because you have to!

The Bottom Line:

While reading just isn’t for everyone, It is such a great skill to have in high school and in life! 

Reading teaches you so many literary skills, and boosts your creativity and writing in so many ways! And with so many aspects of school surrounding reading and writing, there is purely no harm in giving it another try!

Hopefully these tips are useful and will help you become the bookworm you're destined to be! I promise you, it’s not hard! Reading is all about discipline and time management! You’ve got this! Have an amazing day!


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Hi, I’m Mia!


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