What’s In My Backpack!? The Ultimate High School Guide!
I remember my very first day of high school, and all the preparation that went into organising my brand new school bag. I was convinced that I needed a solution to every problem, an item for every scenario and practically packed my entire life into my backpack!
Looking back, I realise how much of a mistake that was, and how carrying an unnecessary 10 kilos on my shoulders created one big mess.
Now in year 9, I still carry a backpack (since I’m not all too interested in handbags and tote bags), and have gotten the real hang of packing the necessities, as well as some extras just in case!
While I know it isn’t technically the start of the year or ‘Back To School’, I really wanted to make this post to share everything I typically carry in my backpack, so you don’t have to make the mistakes I have!
So here is ‘What’s In My Backpack!?’
Hope you enjoy!
With the rise of the internet and social media, almost all schools in Australia have upgraded to a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) education syllabus where students can bring computers to school in order to complete their work.
Your computer is undoubtedly your most important item and asset during schooling since it allows you to take notes, do research, complete assignments and type work all in the one place. However, before you bring one into school, make sure you’re allowed!
I think most teens can relate when I say that my entire life is practically on my phone. While I barely check or use my phone at school, I always bring it along just in case I need to be contacted.
At my school, I rarely use any notebooks or textbooks as almost all of my classes post their work online. However, for any subjects involving bookwork I always carry around a notebook to use. Usually, I keep one different coloured notebook per subject in my locker.
Sleeve Folder-
For the past 3 years of high school, I’ve always kept a clear sleeve folder in my bag. Inside it, I put any assessment notifications, booklets, homework or notes so they don’t get destroyed in my bag. At the end of each term, I’ll then clean it out to avoid the extra weight. This one is a MUST! It makes organisation so much easier and allows so much more to fit in my bag!
Pencil Case-
Here is a list of everything you need inside your high school pencil case:
Pens (Blue, red and black)
Maths Calculator
Permanent Marker
Glue Stick
Laptop Charger-
With 5 classes a day, almost all involving my laptop, I cannot leave the house without my trusty laptop charger in hand! Without it, my computer becomes useless and work becomes impossible to complete. If you can, try to buy two so you can keep one in your bag and one at your charging port.
Portable Phone Charger-
Just like a laptop, a phone with no battery is practically useless! So I always like to carry along a portable phone charger. You never know when you, or a friend may need it!
Whether I’m studying, listening to a podcast or talking to someone on the phone, I always keep a pair of earbuds handy. They are so practical, and perfect for situations like when I’m on a bus or in class.
To keep me entertained on the bus on my way to and from school, I usually bring a book to read. This one is completely up to you, but I find reading on the bus passes time enjoyably as well as extends my knowledge rather than scrolling mindlessly on social media.
Lunch Box/Snacks-
Once again, this one is sort of a given. As well as bringing along my school lunch, it doesn’t hurt to bring along some extra snacks in my bag. Ideally, you want these to be healthy, nourishing, delicious and nutritious as they will benefit your learning and stimulate your brain.
Reusable Water Bottle-
Not only are reusable water bottles great to keep you hydrated at school or out and about, but they are so much better for the environment too! Every time I bring a bottle of water to school, I find myself drinking so much more water than I would have otherwise. (The bubblers at school aren’t all that nice!)
When I don’t have access to my computer in class, I like to write down notes and things to add to my to-do list in a small hand-held notepad. This is quick and simple since I can easily transfer the information onto my computer when I get home from school, and can easily switch pages based on topic. Plus, they fit perfectly into your pocket!
Mints and/or Gum-
While I’m not a huge fan or common user of gum and mints, I usually carry around some gum just in case I’ve ever got bad breath after a meal. While this technically isn’t an essential, it sure is a lifesaver!
Wallet and Money-
It’s always a good idea to keep some cash on hand just in case. $5-$10 is all you need to keep stashed in your wallet and bag in the event of forgetting your lunch or needing to make a small payment. You never know when you’ll need it!
While it may seem unnecessary, I can’t count the amount of times I’ve found myself wishing for a tissue. Not only are they good for blowing your nose, but they’re useful in so many situations!
Ever since Covid started in early 2020, I’ve always kept my reusable mask handy due to changing transport rules and restrictions.
Hand Sanitizer-
Once again, hand sanitizer is a must! With Covid, flu season and so many germs, I like to have this handy whenever I touch commonly touched surfaces or don’t have access to water to clean my hands.
Feminine Products-
I think most girls understand this one. You can never be too prepared!
Hair Ties/Scrunchies-
Ever had a hair tie break at the worst moment possible? I sure have. Since then, I’ve always made sure to carry a spare set of hair ties and scrunchies to tie my hair back whenever needed, or to lend to a friend.
If I’m being honest, I don’t wear makeup to school. I just wanted to add this one for anyone and everyone out there who does! If you do, you have to be prepared for the unexpected, not only with extra makeup supplies, but with makeup wipes to fix or take off makeup if necessary.
Blue Light Glasses-
Now, if I'm being honest with you, I barely ever use my bluelight glasses. The only times I ever remember using them was when I first got them. But since I found them as I searched through my bag, I decided to add them to this list because why not! However, I do highly recommend getting them as they are great for people who use computers a lot and spend lots of time in front of blue light.
Lip Balm/Chapstick-
Personally, I have always loved lip balm! I carry it everywhere I go, and school is no exception. I always have a couple tubes of lip balm dispersed throughout my bag for those cold, dry days that always cause your lips to crack.
You honestly never know what the weathers going to be like! So I always like to have a small compactable umbrella in my second bottle holder to make sure I'm prepared in case of rain.
This one is kind of a given. I think we’ve all been locked out of our house at some point. And I think we can all agree when I say that it sucks! After I made that mistake, I made sure to carry a spare pair of house keys wherever I went. You can never be too careful.
Deodorant and/or Perfume-
In my opinion, you can never wear too much perfume or deodorant. Especially after PE or a hot, sweaty day, it’s always useful to have a spare deodorant and perfume to use, or to share.
It doesn’t hurt to carry a spare compact hairbrush in the case of a hair emergency. While I don’t use mine often, or ever really, you can never be too prepared to help a friend in need!
The Bottom Line:
And there you have it! Everything you need in your high school backpack!
Obviously depending on your age, year level, courses or preferences, you may or may not find use of all of these items useful or necessary; these are purely what I use and recommend all people have (just in case!)
Thank you so much for reading this post! Can’t wait to see you next time!
Mia Xx
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Hi, I’m Mia!
Teen dream celebrates, supports and connects young women of all shapes, sizes, ages, races and beliefs. Our website is dedicated to helping young women find balance in life, become organised, stay…