100 Things To Do When You’re Bored!

Isn’t relaxing great!?

Experiencing the feeling of having nothing to do, and being able to sit around all day binging netflix, watching youtube and playing video games can be such a relief!

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However, while getting a break from busy, productive, stressful and exhausting everyday life can be a real blessing, I could only think of one thing worse than doing just that. Being bored. 

I know. It sounds crazy! But something I hate more than anything else is doing nothing! Can you relate?!

This is where this blog post comes in!

While doing nothing and being bored may kinda suck, it is super necessary in order to relax, reflect and wind down from stress. Otherwise, you may find yourself feeling burnt out. So...

In order to avoid the burdens of boredom during downtime, here are ‘100 Fun Things To Do When You’re Bored!’

Hope you enjoy!

  1. Practise Mindfulness.

  2. Go Online Shopping.

  3. Facetime Your Friends.

  4. Learn All The Digits Of Pi.

  5. Memorise The Periodic Table Song.

  6. Memorise The Countries Of The World.

  7. Cut Your Hair.

  8. Take A Buzzfeed Quiz.

  9. Have A Picnic In Your Living Room.

  10. Do A Kind Random Gesture.

  11. Make A Time Capsule.

  12. Have A Mini Dance Party.

  13. Design And Create A Picture Wall.

  14. Do Karaoke In Your Living Room.

  15. Have A Culture Night.

  16. Learn A New Sport.

  17. Start Writing In A Diary.

  18. Figure Out Your Family Tree.

  19. Think About Your Dream Life.

  20. Play A Board Game.

  21. Donate To Someone.

  22. Have A Spa Day.

  23. Find An Aesthetic

  24. Go Thrift Shopping.

  25. Find Your Dream House On The Market.

  26. Cultivate A Garden.

  27. Join An Online Club

  28. Scroll Through Pinterest.

  29. Volunteer Somewhere

  30. Unsubscribe From Annoying Email Lists.

  31. Choose Your Next Halloween Costume.

  32. Look At Cute Puppy Pictures.

  33. Go Through All Your Photos On Your Phone.

  34. Learn Something New.

  35. Listen To Music

  36. Draw Something.

  37. Play A Video Game.

  38. Take A Personality Quiz.

  39. Learn To Knit Or Crochet.

  40. Give Yourself A Haircut (Specifically Bangs).

  41. Stretch.

  42. Bake Something Delicious.

  43. Take A Nap.

  44. Organise The Apps On Your Phone.

  45. Learn An Instrument.

  46. Watch A Classic Movie You’ve Never Seen.

  47. Pretend You’re An Influencer. 

  48. Facetime A Family Member.

  49. Paint Your Nails.

  50. Make A Gratitude List.

  51. Try A Crossword Or Sudoku.

  52. Organise A Part Of Your House.

  53. Learn A Tik Tok Dance.

  54. Organise Your Closet.

  55. Paint A Portrait Of Yourself.

  56. Listen To A Podcast.

  57. Deep Clean Your Bedroom.

  58. Teach Your Pet A New Trick.

  59. Bake Some Cookies.

  60. Go For A Walk.

  61. Do Some Yoga.

  62. Organise Your Pantry.

  63. Rewatch Your Favourite Movie.

  64. Try A Face Mask.

  65. Read A Book.

  66. Start Watching A New Tv Show.

  67. Start Learning A New Language.

  68. Write A Song Or Poem.

  69. Cuddle With Your Pet.

  70. Do An Online Workout.

  71. Have A Bubble Bath.

  72. Start A Journal.

  73. Bake Bread.

  74. Do A Jigsaw Puzzle

  75. Write A Handwritten Letter To A Family Member Or Friend.

  76. Start A Photo Album.

  77. Create A New Spotify Playlist

  78. Make A Vision Board

  79. Write Down Your Favourite Cut Baby Names

  80. Update Your Resume.

  81. Cook Your Favourite Meal.

  82. Play A Card Game.

  83. Learn A New Sport.

  84. Binge A Cool Netflix Series.

  85. Learn A Fun Magic Trick.

  86. Write Your B’Day/Xmas Wishlist.

  87. Do A Bunch Of Buzzfeed Quizzes.

  88. Write A Bucket List.

  89. Read The News.

  90. Go For A Bike Ride.

  91. Annoy Your Sibling.

  92. Take On A New Persona.

  93. Have A Movie Marathon.

  94. Dress Up.

  95. Pretend To Be A Superhero.

  96. Redecorate Your Bedroom.

  97. Order Takeout.

  98. Think Of Your Favourite Memories.

  99. Give Yourself A Makeover.

  100. Or Just Do Your Homework.

The Bottom Line:

And there you have it! 100 Fun And Random Things To Do When You’re Bored!

Now more than ever we are finding ourselves looking for things to keep us, as well as our family, entertained and busy as the days fly by! 

This list of activities will undoubtedly help you break free from that bored state of mind and will allow you to have fun during these tough times. 

Next time you find yourself bored and with nothing to do, come back to this list and choose from the lot! I find it crazy how many of these I have tried!

Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed this blog post and hope you have an amazing day!

Mia Xx


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Hi, I’m Mia!

Teen dream celebrates, supports and connects young women of all shapes, sizes, ages, races and beliefs. Our website is dedicated to helping young women find balance in life, become organised, stay…




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