15 Things I’ve Learned From Being A Teenager!

Being a teen in the 21st century is really weird, to say the least. While today, I stand tall (quite literally!) As a 14 year old girl in Year 9 of high school, I remember and often reminisce about times before life became so complicated.

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At this point, I’m sort of at the middle ground- a very awkward stage if you ask me. I’m no longer a kid, but I’m also not an adult. Since I’ve still got a whole lot of teen-hood to go, being in high school has really made me realise where I stand in the world, from the perspective of both kids and adults, as well as other teens. Adults look at teens differently from other adults, but not like the way they would look at kids. 

In today’s blog post, I’m going to be talking about a bunch of random things that I’ve learned from being a teenager! 

Many of these tips have shaped me for the rest of my life and have helped me become the person I am today. While some of the lessons I’ve learnt from these are difficult, I’ve always made it to the other side and been grateful for what had happened.

I hope you enjoy it!

The World Doesn’t Revolve Around You:

Guess what! The world doesn’t revolve around you! The sooner you realise that, the better. Out of billions of galaxies, and millions of planets, you think that you’re the main character? I’m sorry if I ruined your moment but it’s important to remember how big the universe is, and how your life makes up a single grain of sand of that universe. While it may seem disappointing, it’s also a bit of a relief if you ask me. 

High School Ends:

As hard as it can be to believe, high school eventually ends as everyone parts ways to begin their life. While it’s sad to think that you’ll probably never see any of your peers once you graduate, it’s also reassuring. Why should you worry about their opinions when they won’t even know you in a few years time? The same goes for friends. 

Ignore Jealousy:

Ignore anything people have to say about you unless it is supportive. Most people who speak behind your back are just jealous of you, despite the fact that they probably don’t even know you (or you don’t even know them!) It’s important not to take their criticism to heart since I can assure you that they’re not perfect either. 

Family Is Everything:

Whether you feel like you’re at rock bottom, or that you’re surfing the clouds, it’s so important to remember that family is forever! While friends may seem more fun, just wait and see who sticks around when times get rough. In the end, family is all we have, and family is all that matters. Never forget to tell them that!

Be Grateful:

You’ve heard it a million times from your parents, teachers and friends; “You should be grateful! We are so lucky to live here, have access to food and have a roof over our heads!” 

But sometimes it doesn’t really click. Did you know that being born in Australia already puts you in the top 1% of wealth in the world! That’s crazy!

As people, we are so blessed to have everything that so many people don’t have! A home, a roof over our head, access to food and water, rights, privileges, rights; everything that we take for granted!

When you are grateful, you are happy! Never forget how lucky you are, even in the hardest of times!

Social Media Is Fake:

When it comes to social media and the internet, we as a population, need to realise how fake the world is. We live in a time of deception, editing, hacking, false advertising and manipulation. Nothing you see on tv or social media can be believed, and that is truly how it is. That perfect body you see on the model is edited, the happy smiles behind the millionaires are almost all fake and the news broadcasted to provoke fear in society is taken out of context and proportion. The sooner you realise how much social media skews our vision, the better off you are.

Learn From Others Mistakes:

Don’t learn lessons the hard way (hint: it’s hard!) Mistakes cause set-backs, failure, embarrassment and sometimes serious consequences. Learn the easy way; when others fail, learn from their mistakes instead. Just remember that sometimes you’ll be the dummy. We’ll all make mistakes and end up as examples of what NOT to do. Just make sure to stand back up again and learn from those mistakes!

Life Is Hard:

Now that I’m a teen, the sugarcoat that is ‘life’ is no more. I know how horrible and dark of a place Earth can be, despite the constant smiles and laughs I was surrounded by growing up. Life isn’t easy- and dreams don’t just come true. You will be faced with loss, negative people, sacrifice and forced to work bloody hard for what you want. Life is going to be hard, it’s something you’ll have to realise before it’s too late. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t all worth it. Because it is!

Mum’s Always Right:

I’ve always had so much respect for my mum, and taken every word of advice she's given to heart. But despite that, have often opposed her judgement. When I was younger, she'd tell me her opinion on how to deal with a current situation and I’d do otherwise. This almost always ended badly and left myself wishing I’d followed her advice. 

While your mum may not always be right, she definitely understands what you’ve been through, and probably has a lot more knowledge than you (that’s my situation, at least.) My point: listen to your parents, and take their advice into consideration. 

Nothing Is Permanent:

Nothing in life is permanent; especially emotions. Both your happiest and saddest moments will eventually pass. And that is the truth. Learn to appreciate every living moment of life, as you never know when it will be your last. Make the most of everything- take risks and live on the edge! I cannot put it more blatantly. 

Be You:

Never pretend to be someone you’re not, especially in an effort to please or be liked by someone else. Not only doesn’t it last, but it can have a negative effect on your mental health, trying to become someone who you’re not. It’s ok to be weird, it’s okay to be unique and it’s okay to be yourself. I mean, that’s who you were put on this Earth to be, right? People will love you most as who you are, not as who you’re trying to be. 

Stop Comparing Yourself To Others:

Everyone is on their own path in life, it’s something we often forget. Just because you don’t act, look or feel like someone else does, does not mean there is anything wrong or different about you. Timing is immeasurable, meaning wherever you are now is only relevant to you. Comparing yourself to others will only lead you to a lack of confidence and self-esteem, as well is disappointment. Someone will always have more in some aspect, so rather than compare yourself to others, compare yourself to your past self. 

It’s Okay Not To Be Okay:

Over my 14 or so years of life, I’m not ashamed to admit that I’ve had my fair share of roadblocks in life. And I’m sure most people can agree with me. But what I want you all to remember if you’re reading this, is that we are human beings who feel emotions constantly. It is one of the only things we all have in common. We all know how it feels to be sad, angry or in emotional pain. But we don’t admit it, even to our conscious self. It’s okay not to be okay. Please always remember that!

Love Yourself:

Sometimes it’s okay to be selfish. Stop putting others' happiness in front of your own. You know, it’s okay to want to look after yourself. Life is too short to spend your time worrying about others. You are imperfectly perfect just the way you are; so you may as well acknowledge it! They always say ‘you can’t love someone else until you learn to love yourself.’

It’s Okay To Ask For Help:

One thing I’ve learnt from being in high school is that it’s always okay to ask for help. While many experience the fear of being wrong, or being judged by others, it’s important to understand that knowledge is so much more valuable than judgment. As someone who is eager to learn and grow as an individual, It’s taken a long time before I've finally found the confidence to constantly ask questions in order to advance. Rather than get it wrong later, get it right now. That’s the way I like to see it.

The Bottom Line:

Now, don’t get me wrong… I’m not out of the woods yet. I’m not even halfway through being a teen!

But there are so many things I have already learnt about being a teenager through school, my friends, my family and my past experiences. While I am still working on many of these things I've listed myself, I hope you can take these tips in your stride, and apply them to your everyday life!

There is so much more I am still yet to learn about growing up and being a teenager; but for now, I like being 14. 


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Hi, I’m Mia!

Teen dream celebrates, supports and connects young women of all shapes, sizes, ages, races and beliefs. Our website is dedicated to helping young women find balance in life, become organised, stay…




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