How To Love Yourself!

 In this day and age of social media and judgement, it can be super freaking hard to love yourself. 

You are told by society that you are beautiful, then told by society that you need to change your body.

You are told by society to be confident and expressive, then told by society to cover up and stop asking for it. 


With all of this pressure, we focus on our faults and insecurities. We look in the mirror every morning and point out everything that we hate about ourselves and what we wish we could change. β€˜I wish I was as skinny as her’, β€˜I wish I had her eyes’, β€˜I wish I had her hair.’

Can you see the pattern?

If I asked you to look in the mirror and answer the question  β€œDo you love yourself?” What would you say? Here are my top tips on how to love yourself as a teenager in the 21st century!

Start Your Day With Love:  Every morning before getting out of bed, remind yourself of the queen you are! You may want to read a beauty quote from a book or want to talk to yourself about getting ready to slay your day!

Forgive Yourself:  As humans, we all make mistakes. By forgiving and forgetting our mistakes, we allow ourselves to move forward with our lives while loving ourselves.

Have fun: Finding enjoyment in being your own company is a great way to love yourself. Do something you enjoy like sport, watching movies on netflix, going for a walk or having a bubble bath. Find confidence in yourself.

Journal: Writing journals is a great way to have a good and accepting relationship with your past self. By writing down the highs and lows of your day, you get to look back and see how you have grown as a person. 

Acknowledge Your Accomplishments:  By going through your old keepsake awards or making a list of your accomplishments, you realise how beautiful, smart and talented you really are. 

Give Yourself A Break: In stressful situations, we often put lots of pressure on ourselves to do better. But sometimes it is better to give ourselves a break. Take 30 minutes to relax! This may be from homework or from your strict diet plan. Relax, you are amazing! 

Create a Vision Board:  A vision board is a board showing all your short term and long term goals. Using your creativity, put one together and watch yourself achieve your goals like a boss!

Be Grateful:  Your mind and body is amazing and so are you. Being grateful for your life, health, body, achievements and smarts are a great way to love and accept yourself.

Be Outside The Box: Accepting yourself for who you are is a massive step towards self-love. If you have always been the black sheep or have always stood out, don’t hide it, shine! Being different is so much better than fitting in.

Ignore others: You are your own person and you should be proud of that. Try not to be affected by the comments from people who don’t know you. 

The Bottom Line:

Loving yourself is one of the best decisions you can make during your lifetime. 

By making a commitment to loving and accepting yourself, you create a new perspective of the world around you. Though it is one of the hardest things to achieve, it is possible! 

You can achieve anything when you believe in yourself! Good luck!

Don’t forget to send this post to 10 beautiful people in your life who you know need self-love! 

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Hi, I’m Mia!


Teen dream celebrates, supports and connects young women of all shapes, sizes, ages, races and beliefs. Our website is dedicated to helping young women find balance in life, become organised, stay…




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