Burnout- Everything You Need To Know!

Have you ever felt useless, tired, overwhelmed, anxious, exhausted and doubtful but don’t know what it means or what to do? Yeah sis, I feel ya. 


If you do, you could be experiencing high school burnout.

What Is Burnout:

Burnout is a state of emotional, physical and mental exhaustion caused due to high levels of long-lasting stress. In high school, burnout is common when experiencing large changes of workload, when going through stressful parts of the year and when having a tough time balancing school and your social or home life. 

During burnout, you lose interest and motivation in the things you love and feel hopeless, as well as completely drained and exhausted. You may feel as though you have nothing more to give, and that you cannot cope. With the effects of burnout affecting all aspects of your life, it is important to act fast in finding your motivation once more and lighting your spark!

Are You On The Road To Burn Out?

Honestly answer these questions in your mind. What are the answers? If you said yes to any of these questions, you may be on the road to burnout. 

  • Is it a struggle to get out of bed?

  • Does doing school work sound like a waste of energy?

  • Are you always tired?

  • Do you feel unappreciated?

  • Is everyday a bad day?

  • Do everyday tasks feel overwhelming?

Symptoms and Signs of Burnout:

Physical Signs:

  • Feeling tired, exhausted and drained most of the time

  • Headaches, Stomach aches, digestive issues or joint pain

  • Frequent illness due to low immunity

  • Changes in appetite and sleep habits

Emotional Signs:

  • Self-doubt

  • Loss of motivation

  • Half-cup-empty attitude

  • Isolation from friends and family

  • Decreased Performance

  • Feeling hopeless and defeated

Behavioural Signs:

  • Procrastination

  • Stress-eating

  • Irritated by other

  • Truanting school 

  • Avoiding responsibility

The Stages Of Burnout:

Here is a basic run-down of the stages of burnout. Our goal is to acknowledge the burnout as early as possible to reverse these feelings before too much damage is done. Don’t forget, however, It is NEVER too late!

  1. Motivation- You’re super motivated!

  2. Excitement- You start getting too excited and pushing yourself harder.

  3. Imbalance- Your lack of self-care due to over-excitement is causing stress.

  4. Dissatisfaction- You are unsatisfied with result less than 110%

  5. Overwhelm- You begin to spiral out of control.

  6. Emptiness- You feel empty and without purpose.

  7. Mental Breakdown- You lose control of your mindset, motivation and emotions.

Causes For Burnout:

Here are some of the common causes for burnout:

  • Overworking yourself

  • Lack of recognition for your work

  • Taking on too many responsibilities

  • Not getting enough sleep

  • High-pressure environment

  • Lack of supportive relationships

Are You Prone To Burn Out?- Burnout Risk Factors

To know whether you may have a higher chance of burning out in the future, see if any of the following apply to you.

  • You always go the extra mile when completing school work

  • You are a perfectionist

  • You have high expectations of yourself 

  • You are a creative person

  • You often feel stressed


Here are some ways you can treat Burnout:

  • Have a self-care night-take regular care of yourself by spending a night doing something you love, having a netflix binge, taking a bubble bath, or enjoying a sweet treat.

  • Talk to someone- reach out to friends, family or a medical professional for help or to confide with regarding your current stress and emotions. 

  • Stay healthy- eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly and get the required amount of sleep to look after yourself.

  • Re-spark your motivation- If you want to learn more about finding motivation for school, subscribe to my newsletter to receive a free study guide!

  • Remove negative people- remove negative people in your life and make new friends who care about and support you for you.

The Bottom Line

By using the information above, it is now up to you to respark your flame of motivation for doing what you love! Though it takes hard work and dedication to reverse burnout, it is completely possible. Don’t forget to comment, like and share this post! 

How are YOU going to respark your motivation?

Don’t forget to comment, share, and like this post!


Hi, I’m Mia!


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