75 Random Acts Of Kindness!!!

Have you ever noticed how much a single act of kindness can positively affect your entire day?

After the year we’ve had, everyone is looking for a restart in 2021, myself included. 

And in my opinion, I think it’s really important that we start 2021 on a positive note!

Acts Of Kindness

So, in order to keep our spirit during this holiday and new year season, here are 75 random acts of kindness and good deeds for YOU to complete to help make somebody's day this holiday season! Enjoy!

  1. Compliment someone

  2. Pick up rubbish

  3. Hold the door for someone

  4. Pay it backward: Pay for the meal of the next person in line

  5. Tell someone you love them

  6. Make someone smile/laugh

  7. Help a stranger with their groceries

  8. Adopt an animal

  9. Send a positive text to 5 people you know

  10. Leave a positive review for a local business

  11. Smile at someone today

  12. Volunteer

  13. Donate to a charity

  14. Welcome a new neighbour or student

  15. Send a letter to a kid you know

  16. Push in someones chair

  17. Create and send a care package

  18. Offer your seat to an elderly person on the bus

  19. Talk to your friends and really listen

  20. Participate in a fundraiser

  21. Let your sibling go first

  22. Throw away your trash

  23. Share your umbrella with someone

  24. Ask someone β€œHow are you really doing?” and listen

  25. Donate old toys and clothes to charity

  26. Make a purchase from a small business

  27. Leave a generous tip

  28. Give an unexpected gift

  29. Say β€œGood morning” to a stranger

  30. Offer a place to sit for the new student

  31. Let someone go in front of you in line

  32. Spend more time with your grandparents

  33. Shout a friend if they don’t have money

  34. Say β€œgood job” to someone

  35. Randomly thank a teacher with a gift

  36. Donate food to a food bank

  37. Mow the lawn for your neighbours

  38. Offer to take a photo of a family or couple

  39. Wash your neighbours car

  40. Do a siblings chore without asking

  41. Text someone good morning or goodnight

  42. Bake cookies and gift them to someone

  43. Plant a tree

  44. Leave a positive not in a library book

  45. Babysit for free

  46. Place flowers at the cemetery

  47. Give blood

  48. Bring someone a souvenir

  49. Offer someone a lift

  50. Make a new friend

  51. Ask someone about their day

  52. Share with someone

  53. Give your favourite book to a friend

  54. Recommend a TV show are book to a friend

  55. Tell a waiter or server to β€œKeep the change”

  56. Learn a new skill

  57. Write a letter to a soldier

  58. Make a meal for your family

  59. Leave a positive comment on a social media post

  60. Leave a nice note on a strangers car

  61. Run an errand for someone

  62. Leave money on a vending machine

  63. Give someone a hug

  64. Offer someone a tissue

  65. Reach out to someone you haven’t spoken to for a while

  66. Hold open the elevator door

  67. Make a music playlist for someone

  68. Send an email to someone you idolise

  69. Do someone a favour

  70. Talk to your mum or your dad

  71. Make a card for someone

  72. Sponsor a child

  73. Say sorry and genuinely mean it

  74. Leave a thank you note

  75. Ask others to continue completing acts of kindness!

The Bottom Line:

By completing random acts of kindness each day, you not only benefit the lives of others, but benefit YOUR life as well! 

Some of the benefits of completing regular acts of kindness include increased happiness, increased energy, increased lifespan and increased serotonin (the happy hormone!) as well as reduced depression, stress, anxiety, pain and blood pressure.

By adding love, effort and genuine kindness to these small, easy and effortless tasks, you can really make someone's day, or change their entire life!

So I ask you, beg you even, please try to spread love and kindness wherever you go! It costs you nothing but the response is always rich! 

I hope you have an incredible day! 


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