Keep up with my latest blog posts below! Find everything you need to know about navigating teen life, personal development, wellness and setting yourself up for success!

Lifestyle, Health Mia Ginger Lifestyle, Health Mia Ginger

15 Things To Do Every Night Before Bed!

Getting a good night's sleep is essential to our physical and mental health.

While we spend approximately one third of our life sleeping, for many, they still ignore and lack acknowledgement of the importance of sleep.

Sleep benefits us in almost every way; boosting and optimizing all aspects of our life. Lack of sleep, on the other hand, does the complete opposite.

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Health Mia Ginger Health Mia Ginger

13 Easy Hacks For Drinking More Water!

We all know that we need to stay hydrated. It is something told to use by every parent, teacher and friend. But despite how important it is to drink water, we all seem to ignore it.

In our everyday lives, there are many reasons why people don’t drink as much water as they’re supposed to. You may be busy? You may hate the taste of water? You may hate the taste or prefer an energy drink or coffee instead? You may hate the idea of being on the toilet all day.

Whatever it may be, I get it. But that doesn’t remove the fact that water is SUCH a needed part of life and growing, especially as teenagers!

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Health Mia Ginger Health Mia Ginger

Self Care Tips: 30 Ways To Look After Yourself In 2021!

In everyday life, it is so important to look after yourself! Your mind, soul, and body all deserve the nurturing that comes from self care.

Despite what you may think, self-care does not need to be a luxurious experience that happens once in a blue moon, it is something to be experienced as often as possible, every day ideally.

Self care has helped me in so many ways! It has benefitted every aspect of my health as I continue to partake in it every single day!

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Health Mia Ginger Health Mia Ginger

How To Instantly Feel Happier!

We all strive to be happy. It’s human nature.

However, sometimes being happy is harder than it looks.

While many factors can negatively affect our happiness, including our mental health, genetics and current living situation, there are also ways we can boost the positive vibes!

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Lifestyle, Health Mia Ginger Lifestyle, Health Mia Ginger

How To Love Yourself!

In this day and age of social media and judgement, it can be super freaking hard to love yourself.

You are told by society that you are beautiful, then told by society that you need to change your body.

You are told by society to be confident and expressive, then told by society to cover up and stop asking for it.

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Health Mia Ginger Health Mia Ginger

How To Manifest Your Dreams Into Reality!

As the years fly by, many of us dream of the lives we wish to live. Fame, money, success, happiness; all things many of us aspire to ultimately achieve in life.

But let me ask you; why do we all wait for the ‘right time’ to start?!

Today is your day! And this year is your year! To claim and create all of those goals and dreams into your reality! It is up to you to mold your future!

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Health, Lifestyle Mia Ginger Health, Lifestyle Mia Ginger

How To Apply Gratitude To Your Life!

Life is short; It’s something we don’t realise until there's not much left of it.

As the days, weeks, months and years fly by, many of us easily get caught up in the excitement of day to day life, and forget to stop and show appreciation for each moment they have been given.

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Health, Lifestyle Mia Ginger Health, Lifestyle Mia Ginger

How Practising Gratitude Can Change Your Life!!!

Gratitude is essential to our health and mental wellbeing. Though you may not know it, being grateful for the little things in life can have a massive effect on your health and happiness.

Spending a few minutes each day on gratitude can really boost your mental health and can strengthen your connection to Earth and the people around you.

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School, Health Mia Ginger School, Health Mia Ginger

How To Deal With Stress

As humans, we all experience stress. Whether it’s about your hair for a party or studying for an exam, we all, especially teenagers, experience it. Stress is our automatic reaction to a situation where we feel threatened or anxious. But how do we deal with stress? Though it’s an easy question, many struggle to answer it.

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Health Mia Ginger Health Mia Ginger

How To Prevent Acne!

Acne. A teenagers worst nightmare. You wake up in the morning, go to the bathroom and see a new zit. For the entire day, you walk around feeling gross and scared that people will notice you and call you out. You don’t know what to do, so you pop it, waking up the next day to find 2 more in its place.

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