50 Gratitude Journal Prompts To Benefit Your Life!

Gratitude allows you to see the upside of life; even when life seems horrible. 

On days where you think, “How could this day get any worse,” writing about your gratitude helps you heal. 

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Gratitude is essential for our health, wellbeing and happiness, especially in the world we live in. 

One of the ways we can incorporate gratitude into our busy everyday lives is through gratitude journalling!

In this post, I will be giving you 50 gratitude journal prompts to help you successfully and continuously write about your gratitude for the world around you. 

Hope you enjoy!

Want to learn about how gratitude can change your life?!

Click below to read my recent blog post, ‘How Practicing Gratitude Can Change Your Life!’


Try A Gratitude Journal!

One of the best ways to apply gratitude and thankfulness to your life is through a gratitude journal!

A gratitude journal is like a diary where you write about things that you are grateful for, thankful for and appreciative of, ideally everyday. 

50 Journal Prompts:

To help spark your creativity throughout your writing, here are 50 Gratitude Prompts to help you get started on your journey to a life of gratitude!

  1. Who are you grateful for in your life?

  2. What is an achievement that you’re proud of?

  3. What was your favourite part of today?

  4. What was the last thing that made you laugh?

  5. What is your happiest childhood memory?

  6. What do you like about yourself?

  7. What is your favourite memory of your father?

  8. What is your favourite memory of your mother?

  9. What are you grateful for today?

  10. What book are you grateful for?

  11. What movie are you grateful for?

  12. What TV shows are thankful for?

  13. Where is your favourite place to be?

  14. Write about your favourite pet?

  15. What are you currently looking forward to?

  16. What do you like about your school?

  17. What did you accomplish today?

  18. What skills are you grateful for having?

  19. What hobbies are you grateful for doing?

  20. What is a random happy memory?

  21. What place are you grateful for?

  22. What teacher/mentor has made an impact on your life?

  23. What friend are you grateful for?

  24. How is your life better than it was a year ago?

  25. What can you do to make a difference in the world?

  26. What family tradition are you thankful for?

  27. What family member are you thankful for?

  28. Who is someone you idolise that you are thankful for?

  29. What is your favourite holiday?

  30. What do you love most about where you live?

  31. What laws are rights are you grateful for?

  32. What is your favourite food and why?

  33. What is your favourite drink and why?

  34. What possession you own are you thankful for?

  35. What photo in your phone are you grateful for?

  36. What is your favourite quote?

  37. Write about an act of kindness you completed?

  38. What is an act of kindness someone did to you?

  39. What is your favourite day of the year and why?

  40. What do you call a perfect day?

  41. Write about the last time you felt brave.

  42. Write about the last time you felt confident.

  43. What gives you faith in humanity?

  44. What good qualities are you known for?

  45. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

  46. When you were young, what did you want to be when you grew up?

  47. What is your favourite season and why?

  48. What is your biggest goal and how are you going to achieve it?

  49. What makes you happy right now?

  50. What are you looking forward to in the next year?

The Bottom Line:

Practising gratitude will completely transform your life! Using a gratitude diary is one of many ways to successfully express your gratitude and thankfulness.

By writing in any journal daily, using these 50 prompts, you are likely to increase your happiness, improve your mental health, booth your self-esteem and strengthen your relationships!

Thank you for reading!




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