How To Change Your Mindset To Live A Happy, Fulfilling and Successful Life!


I believe that in life, mindset is everything!

Little do many of us know that the way we look at the world, see other people and view opportunities ultimately determines whether we live a happy and successful life, or an unhappy and limited life. 

The extreme importance of this topic is why I’m discussing it today!

Being happy and successful in life is something we all aim towards. In order to achieve success throughout our lives, however, our mindset needs to match our goals. 

So, Keep Reading!

But, What Is A Mindset?

A mindset is defined as a set of predetermined attitudes that an individual has. Depending on your mindset, however, this could be for better or for worse. 

These attitudes shape our perspective and opinion on the people around us, the work we complete and our overall life. 

In society, there are 2 main mindsets that affect how we look at life. These are called a β€˜Fixed Mindset’ and a β€˜Growth Mindset’. 

What Is A Fixed Mindset?

Someone who has a fixed mindset would believe that they can either be good or bad at something without being able to develop the skills to improve. 

The need to improve skills, learn, gain intelligence or talent is not necessary, since they are born a specific way and β€˜unable’ to change. 

People who have fixed mindsets may avoid challenges, give up easily or ignore and take offense to useful feedback. 

What Is A Growth Mindset?

A Growth mindset, on the other hand, describes an individual who believes that their skills can constantly be improved upon and that working on their flaws boosts them higher. 

People with a growth mindset often accept challenges, learn from criticism, seek inspiration and believe that success is possible with time, practise, patience, hard work and dedication. 

How Do I Determine My Mindset?

Though determining your mindset can be difficult, there are ways to help find out your mindset. There are many tests on the internet used to help you find your mindset, but here’s one you can try!

Read the following 4 statements and decide which 2 you relate to, or agree with, the most.

  1. I enjoy being challenged

  2. I’m good at some activities, but others I’m not

  3. I stick to what I already know

  4. Criticism helps me grow

Statements 1 & 4 relate to a growth mindset while 2 & 3 reflect a fixed mindset. 

What mindset do you have? Be honest with yourself. 

Though you may also feel you have qualities from both sides, which side do you relate towards the most? Use this image below to help distinguish which mindset you have:


Why Do I Need To Change?

Now, there is nothing wrong with having a fixed mindset. 

However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make the effort to try and change. 

Being honest with yourself and admitting that you may have a fixed mindset is the first step to changing yourself for the better!

People who go throughout their lives with a fixed mindset rarely achieve anything. This is usually because they stick to what they know and give up easily when trying to learn new things. 

Since we, as teenagers, are still quite young, we still have a chance to change!

And the good news is… MINDSETS CAN CHANGE!!!

So, Here are 6 ways to change your mindset for a happy, fulfilling and successful life!

1. Change Your Self-Talk

The way you speak to yourself or think to yourself is an exact reflection of your mindset. Though you may not say it aloud, if you are telling yourself negative things, you will never achieve anything!

If you constantly tell yourself β€œI’ll never be able to do this!”, your mindset will hold you back. Whereas, if you want to change your mindset, replace it by telling yourself  β€œI can do anything if I work hard enough!” or β€œI got this!”

2. Take Note Of Your Achievements

To help you keep motivated throughout your mindset journey, it’s important to write down your improvements as you move forward. Writing down your daily achievements is a great way to keep motivation and find the good in our lives especially during these dark times. 

Try to make a goal of writing down 3 achievements every day in a diary or journal. 

3. Surround Yourself With Positive People

By surrounding yourself with people who support your dreams and passions, reflect the values you want to adopt and have the mindset you aspire to have, you better yourself as a person. 

When you surround yourself with negative influences, on the other hand, it can lead to unhealthy relationships, mental drainage or negative emotions. 

This doesn’t mean ditch your friends necessarily, it just means you should evaluate your friendships and discuss whether they build you up, or tear you down. 

4. Focus On The Long-Term

Though this change is new and different, it is completely necessary if you want to change your mindset. To keep you going through some of the harder times, think of the triumphs you’ll experience in the long term! Learning, growing and experiencing new things!

5. Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

By stepping out of your comfort zone and placing yourself in challenging situations, you have no other choice than to rise to the job. Facing your fears will help you take a step closer to changing your mindset!

So, everytime you see a challenging situation, rather than standing back, jump into the deep end! Challenge yourself to step up and eventually, the situations will become more enjoyable!

6. Prioritise Your Mindset

Lastly, making your mindset a priority in your life is extremely important to successfully changing it. 

Though taking the time to put the work in can be challenging, by taking a few minutes out of your day to meditate, relax or take note of your achievements will set you on a path to changing your current mindset in no time.

The Bottom Line:

Having a positive or growth mindset is necessary to living a happy, fulfilling and successful life. Making the choice to change your mindset is the first step to starting your journey to having a positive mindset and leading a happy life. Have an amazing day!

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How Are You Going To Apply These Changes To Live A Happy, Fulfilling And Successful Life? What Are 3 Achievements That You Are Proud Of?

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Hi, I’m Mia!


Teen dream celebrates, supports and connects young women of all shapes, sizes, ages, races and beliefs. Our website is dedicated to helping young women find balance in life, become organised, stay…




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