How To Boost Your Confidence!

Did you know that more than 85% of teenagers struggle with low self-confidence? Can you believe that?!

In the 21st century, in our world of social media, we are constantly surrounded by unrealistic body expectations and lifestyle expectations, as well as forced to put up with so much negativity, judgement and nit-picking in society.

How To Boost Your Confidence!

And being completely honest with you, it’s no wonder so many girls struggle with their body image, self esteem or self-worth! 

No one deserves to feel like this. But what can we do to change it? What can we do to look at our bodies and talent with confidence?

If you want to know, you’re at the right place! Here is β€˜How To Boost Your Confidence!’


1.Accept Yourself! :

It takes time. Believe me. But all YOU need to remember is that you are loved, you are beautiful, you are strong and you DO NOT need to be β€˜perfect’ to be happy! 

By accepting yourself and embracing your uniqueness, you have no competition! You are unique, you are special and no one is like you!

2. Be Kind To Yourself! :

When we’re upset about something, it is often our first reaction to blame ourselves. To put ourselves down for something you often can’t control. 

Being kind to your mind and body, as well as looking after it, is one of the first steps to rocking your life with confidence! So look after yourself.  

3. Don’t Let Others Define Your Self-Worth! :

Please remember that your self-worth is defined by you, and only you. No one else has any right to tell you your self-worth, or to make you doubt it. So keep on slaying queen!

4. Treat Others The Way You Want To Be Treated! :

The golden rule β€œtreat others the way you want to be treated” comes up a lot in society, and for good reason. 

Think about the way you want to be treated by friends, family and even strangers! How can you apply that to your life, to benefit the lives of you, and the people you surround yourself with? Use this mindset to distinguish how you treat people. It really unlocks a whole new side of life!

5. Spread Positivity! :

By spreading positivity to those around you, you make them feel confident in themselves. Whether you’re asking them about how they are, complimenting them or acknowledging their strengths, overall it also makes you feel good too. 

In the case that your positivity is single-sided, acknowledge it. If you are constantly being kind and caring to others, but not receiving that in return, something isn’t right. You deserve better!

6. Surround Yourself With Positivity! :

As I said before, when you spread positivity to others, it builds confidence mutually! So, surround yourself with like-minded people who bring you up! Surround yourself with people who support you, love you and believe in you!

7. Acknowledge Your Accomplishments! :

Sometimes one of the reasons why we struggle to see ourselves in a positive light is because we focus on the failures rather than successes. Acknowledging and celebrating any and all of your achievements is a great way to build you confidence!

8. Reframe Negative Thoughts About Yourself! :

Reframing negative thoughts is a great way to build confidence. This pretty much means that every time you tell yourself something negative, you morph it into something positive! Rather than saying β€œI give up, I’ll never be able to do this!”, you could say β€œthis is really hard, but I’m going to keep trying!”

This links to the fixed and growth mindset! Want to read all about it? 

9. Practise Positive Self-Talk! :

Practising positive self-talk is a great way to boost your confidence! As you build your confidence, you may start by framing your negative thoughts, as mentioned above. However, once these thoughts start to go away, it is important to go out of your way to compliment yourself! Tell yourself how pretty you look, how proud you are of yourself and how great you are!

Something that really helps is having a journal where, every morning,  you write down 3 things you love about yourself. 

10. Treat Yourself! :

Treating yourself is a great way to celebrate your achievements and boost your confidence! By doing this, it relaxes your mind and body but also makes you feel better about yourself!

11. Forget Social Media Standards! :

Social media is one of the biggest causes of low self-confidence and low self-esteem in young people. With so many unrealistic body standards, it often makes it feel impossible to accept how you look. 

Something we have to realise is that social media is NOT real life. Nothing like it, in fact. All of the influencers, creators and people you see on social media are posing for the camera. They have hidden or edited out all their insecurities and put on a confident smile that hides their real emotions. 

12. Fake It β€˜Til You Make It! :

When I was younger, my mum told me this constantly. β€œJust fake it β€˜til you make it!” she would say, and now I really understand why!
If you want to become a confident person in society, you need to act like it, even if it’s a leap outside your comfort zone. 

Now, I’m not saying go around acting arrogant and rude. I just mean using the confidence stance, which is a quick way to appear confident in seconds! Here's how you do it:

  • Stand up straight and roll your shoulders back!

  • Smile! You won’t believe how much it drives people crazy!

  • Speak clearly and confidently!

  • Make eye contact!

  • Strut with purpose and confidence!

  • Act like you don’t care what people think of you!

This formula is the best way to appear confident in front of anyone! And as you use it more, you’ll notice how often others use it too! It is one of the best ways to boost your confidence!

The Bottom Line:

As like anything, building and boosting your self-confidence is a skill. It takes practise, and a lot of it! Take time to practise and you will improve. I can promise you that! 

Practise Makes Perfect!

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Hi, I’m Mia!


Teen dream celebrates, supports and connects young women of all shapes, sizes, ages, races and beliefs. Our website is dedicated to helping young women find balance in life, become organised, stay…




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