How To Prevent Acne!

Acne. A teenagers worst nightmare. You wake up in the morning, go to the bathroom and see a new zit. For the entire day, you walk around feeling gross and scared that people will notice you and call you out. You don’t know what to do, so you pop it, waking up the next day to find 2 more in its place. You’re overwhelmed with embarrassment about going out with friends. So what do you do? Well...

As a teenager, acne is completely normal! More than 85% of teens get it and it’s often nothing to worry about healthwise. Though a lot of people with acne are insecure about it (and believe me, so am I) in the long run, your acne doesn’t describe you as a person. 


In this post, I’ll be talking about ways to get rid of, and to prevent acne. I’ll be discussing remedies to remove current acne, and lifestyle changes you can apply to your life to help you rock on without it! Just remember, you are beautiful!

Here are 10 Ways to Prevent Acne! Enjoy!

  1. Don’t Touch Your Face:

Everyday, your hands touch thousands of surfaces. When you touch your face, all the germs, dirt and bacteria from these surfaces are placed onto your face. This bacteria often leads to clogged pores, and due to the bacteria, pimples. Though it can be a hard habit to stop, it is crucial you stop touching your face to get rid of acne. 

Don’t forget to wash your face using water or an antibacterial face wash to reduce bacteria!

2. Ice It:

Icing zits is probably one of the only effective ways to actively get rid of acne at home. When you put ice over the pimple, you’re reducing the inflammation and size of the pimple. If repeated, this will eventually make the entire pimple go away much faster than it would have without it. 


According to Chinese medicine, acne along your jawline or chin is related to hormones. If your acne is red and filled with pus, it its most likely infected.

3. Moisturise Before Makeup:

When repeatedly applying makeup to your face such as thick foundations and primers, you often clog your pores with product, resulting in pimples and acne. To avoid this, I recommend using a thin layer of moisturiser on your face before starting your makeup routine. 

Another option includes buying skincare and makeup products that:

  • Don’t clog pores

  • Is oil free

  • Is Non-comedogenic

  • Is Non-acnegenic

4. Avoid Specific Foods:

Even though many cases of acne are hormonal, meaning your diet is not a factor, many aspects of acne can be positively affected when you cut specific foods out of your diet. Some foods to avoid when you have acne includes large amounts of dairy, refined sugar and carbohydrates, processed foods, greasy foods and fast food.

Also, don’t forget to drink loads of water! At least 2 Litres per day!

5. Resist The Urge To Squeeze:

Listen to me when I say DO NOT SQUEEZE PIMPLES. Not only do they stick around for an extra 5-7 days when you do, but they become red and agitated, as well as spread bacteria around your face. I know how tempting it is, but even with utmost caution, you risk infection, more pimples and a face like a tomato.

If you are struggling with active acne, please see a dermatologist or an esthetician for a professional to extract the pimple. 

6. Take Care Using DIYs:

Although I love DIYs, if not done correctly, DIYs can spread bacteria on your face which can lead to more breakouts an acne. Always do your research!

7. Have A Simple Face Routine:

Having a simple face routine is quite necessary when getting rid of acne. Despite constantly seeing ‘My 20-step face routine!’ all over social media, it is recommended you keep your routine to a basic 3-5 step routine that you complete 2 times every day. This usually includes cleanser, toner, serum, spot treatment and moisturiser. 

8. Say No To Scrubs:

Though it may be tempting, using facial scrubs or scrubbing your face with face towels is super bad if you have active acne! This is because it opens the pores in your face and irritates the skin, especially if the scrubs are fragrance-based! The result is practically the same as if you popped the pimple. Yea, not good. 

9. Wash, Wash, Wash

As like your hands, everything your face touches is full of bacteria, dirt and dead skin cells. Keeping a strict schedule for washing and cleaning these surfaces keeps your face clean and hygienic. Some surfaces you may want to clean at least every 2 weeks include your pillowcases, your bed sheets, your hats, scarfs and mobile phone. 

10. Consider Seeing A Dermatologist:

If you are still struggling with ongoing acne after trying these tips, or you suffer from a more extreme form of acne such as cystic or nodule acne, please consider going to a dermatologist. 

These people have extensive knowledge and expertise regarding acne and can almost indefinitely get rid of it. This can be done with prescription pills or a personalised facial routine.

The Bottom Line:

Acne is completely normal, especially for teenagers. And no matter what you do, acne is sometimes out of our control, with causes including stress, hormones, diet and genetics. 

When applying these tips to your daily life, it is important to remember that change takes time, patience and effort. No matter what happens, you are still beautiful just the way you are!

Don’t forget to comment, share, and like this post if it was helpful! What changes are you going to make to get your dream skin? Comment below!


Hi, I’m Mia!


Teen dream celebrates, supports and connects young women of all shapes, sizes, ages, races and beliefs. Our website is dedicated to helping young women find balance in life, become organised, stay…


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