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Health, Lifestyle Mia Ginger Health, Lifestyle Mia Ginger

How Practising Gratitude Can Change Your Life!!!

Gratitude is essential to our health and mental wellbeing. Though you may not know it, being grateful for the little things in life can have a massive effect on your health and happiness.

Spending a few minutes each day on gratitude can really boost your mental health and can strengthen your connection to Earth and the people around you.

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Lifestyle Mia Ginger Lifestyle Mia Ginger

How To Break Bad Habits!

Every day, without even knowing it, our body engages in hundreds of actions that we call habits. These habits affect our work, health and lifestyle, sometimes for the worse. Do you have a bad habit that you want to stop? If you do, you’re in the right place. 

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Lifestyle Mia Ginger Lifestyle Mia Ginger

How To Fall Asleep Fast!

Falling asleep is a struggle many people (especially teenagers) endure. Whether this is due to stress, anxiety, school work or friendships, it can often feel impossible to receive the necessary sleep you need to rock your best life! Here are ‘15 Ways To Fall Asleep Fast!’

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