How To Fall Asleep Fast!

Falling asleep is a struggle many people (especially teenagers) endure.

Whether this is due to stress, anxiety, school work or friendships, it can often feel impossible to receive the necessary sleep you need to rock your best life!


If you have trouble getting to sleep quickly and easily, as well as staying asleep, you’re at the right place!

Here are ‘15 Ways To Fall Asleep Fast!’

On this post, I will be discussing some short term and long term ways for you to get the sleep you deserve. Enjoy!

Short Term:

It’s the middle of the night and you can’t fall asleep. You feel like you’ve tried everything so you look up ways to fall asleep. And here you are! Here are 7 short term tips for falling asleep at night! However, if you are looking for a long-term lifestyle change, keep reading!

Play A Meditation Video:

This one is genuinely a life saver! Do you ever go to bed feeling really tired, then as soon as you get into bed, your mind starts racing with thoughts? Don’t know about you, but this is a daily occurrence. 

By quicking switching on Youtube and searching ‘get to sleep faster’, you can find thousands of guided meditations that relax you and help you sleep. Thank me later!

Listen To Music:

Despite being similar to listening to a meditative video, everyone has different taste and preferences. For some, you might prefer listening to music you enjoy and feel calm around. I wouldn’t personally go for rock or punk, but you do you, boo!

Breathing Techniques:

For falling asleep, one way to relax your body before resting is using the 4-7-8 method. Here’s how you do it:

1. Lie down on your bed in a comfortable position you won’t move from. 

2. Inhale through your nose mentally counting to 4.

3. Then hold your breath while mentally counting to 7. (Try not to count too slowly or it won’t be as relaxing)

4. Exhale through your mouth whilst mentally counting to 8.

5. Then repeat these steps 3 or more times until you feel relaxed and drowsy.

Adjust The Temperature:

According to extensive research, turning on the fan or air conditioner at night can allow you to get better sleep. Since many forms of insomnia are related to poor body temperature regulation, a colder room could help your body cool down enough to grant a deeper, more relaxed sleep. 

Quick tip!

If you have a fan in your room, DO NOT face the fan toward your face! Let me tell you, I’ve done this too many times and woken up sick as a dog.

Read A Book:

If reading is your thing, this is for you! 

I personally have always struggled with reading in my own time and enjoying long novels. However, a lot of people live for it!

If you want to relax yourself before bed, I recommend reading to calm your mind or to help combat insomnia in the long term! According to a study, a mere 6 minutes of reading before lights out can reduce your overall stress by 68%!

Drink Tea Before Bed:

For me, drinking a caffeine-free herbal tea before bed is the ultimate relaxer! 
Having tea about half an hour before bed with a teaspoon of honey calms your body down, tires you out and reduces stress and anxiety.

I like to go for Pukka Night Time tea. What’s your favourite tea?

Think Of Things That Make You Happy:

If you’re having trouble falling asleep, thinking of people or items that make you happy can relax your mind and body, improving your sleep and time taken to fall asleep overall. 

Long Term:

Hi there! If you’re reading this, you’re probably looking for a long term solution to your lack of sleep. You may struggle with insomnia, sleepwalking, night terrors, sleep apnea or may have a mixed up sleeping schedule. If you need help, you’re at the right place! Below are another 8 tips for falling asleep! Hope these are useful!

Avoid Specific Foods And Drinks Before Bedtime:

According to many studies, eating a high-carbohydrate meal before bedtime can have negative effects on your sleep schedule. 
Scientists recommend eating a high-fat dinner instead, to induce a better, long lasting sleep. If you do, however, have a high carbohydrate dinner, be sure to eat it at least 4 hours before lights out. For drinks, avoid any high sugar or caffeinated drinks before bed. This includes caffeinated tea, coffee, soft drinks and other beverages. 

Create A Routine:

Though I go more into the specifics later on, having a routine for the day is crucial for having a good night's sleep.

This routine mainly includes knowing when you go to sleep, when you wake up, when you eat dinner and what you do before bed. This has to do with sleep hygiene. By reading, having a bath or listening to calming music before bed on a regular basis, you teach your body to prepare for rest when completing those activities. This applies to all the other routine ideas.

Go To Bed Early:

As mentioned above, creating a routine and/or schedule is key to leading an organised, happy and healthy life. This includes the third of your day (hopefully!) spent sleeping. 
Going to bed early ensures you get enough hours of sleep per day, a routine which is healthy and logical.

For me, if I go to bed at 9 and wake up at 5 ( I know it’s early), I get an 8 hour sleep. If you aren’t a morning person and wake up at 6:00-6:30, you would technically be able to get the recommended hours by going to bed at 10, but would also have the flexibility to get more hours!

Sign up to my weekly newsletter to get a free weekly planner to use to organise your mornings and week!

Avoid Napping:

For multiple reasons, including stress, insomnia and sleeping patterns, people often take naps during the day. If this is you, you may want to reconsider this habit. 

Though many studies find purpose and logic in taking naps, other studies show that taking naps for 2 or more hours regularly lead to sleep deprivation, low quality sleep and jumbled sleeping patterns. 

Do Not Hit The Snooze Button:

By hitting the snooze button in an attempt to receive a few more precious minutes of sleep, you make yourself feel more ‘foggy’ and tired. By regularly setting an early alarm and hitting snooze, you mess up your body’s internal clock, which plays with your sleep schedule. Overall, this can derive you from sleep.

Disconnect Early:

Playing video games, watching tv, using social media or using technology late at night is horrible for getting the highly-needed good nights sleep.
If you are looking for sufficient rest, ensure to disconnect early to avoid distractions, and to promote a quiet space to relax before sleep. This habit will benefit your sleep immensely in the long term!

Quick Tip!

Never charge your device next to your bed overnight! The radiation and microwaves emitted are horrible for your health and can have long term side effects. If you need your phone nearby, place it on flight mode so you don’t miss your alarms!

Exercise Regularly:

According to various studies, regular exercise is great for increasing your quality and length of sleep. However, don’t forget to take into account the limitations of this exercise. It is also recommended that you work out early in the morning rather than the afternoon, and that you avoid exercise in excessive amounts per one time. These are both to promote a better nights sleep.

Write In A Diary Or Journal:

By writing a diary or journaling, it helps your mind ease before going to sleep.

If you’re like me, who can struggle to fall asleep due to wandering thoughts, writing down the emotions from your day in a diary may help relieve that stress and anxiety before going to sleep.  You can also write what made you happy during the day, to fall asleep on a high note.

Another option to try is writing a gratitude journal. By writing down 3 things you’re grateful for at the end of your day, you become known for the amazing life you have! (e.g. a roof over your head, clean clothes, hot food e.t.c.)

The Bottom Line:

Falling asleep is a task that many of us struggle with. It is a key part of your health that cannot be taken lightly. By choosing what works for you by using the tips above, and making a habit out of it, you can change your life for the better. 

With sleep affecting our physical, mental, emotional, psychological and cognitive health in many ways, how are you going to get a better night's sleep?

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Hi, I’m Mia!


Teen dream celebrates, supports and connects young women of all shapes, sizes, ages, races and beliefs. Our website is dedicated to helping young women find balance in life, become organised, stay…




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