How To Break Bad Habits!

Every day, without even knowing it, our body engages in hundreds of actions that we call habits. These habits affect our work, health and lifestyle, sometimes for the worse.


Do you have a bad habit that you want to stop? If you do, you’re in the right place. 

While it’s easy to make a habit over time, breaking habits is much harder. There are lots of ways to break a habit, all of which take time, patience, dedication and perseverance.

Unfortunately, there is no way around it. It is difficult, but can always be done! This guide discusses the most effective ways to break habits. Hope you enjoy it!

If you want to learn more about bad habits, go check out β€˜10 Bad Habits You Need To Stop’ for more:

Learn To De-Stress:

One of the two things that causes bad habits is stress. Stress plays a major part in creating and implementing bad habits to your life. By de-stressing at home, you may find yourself with reduced impulses to conduct your habit, since you have taken away a common trigger, stress. 

Ways of reducing stress include taking a bath, doing something you love or having a treat.

Have A Motivation:

When trying to get rid of a bad habit, it is important to acknowledge the reason why you want to stop. Try answering the following questions in a journal.

  • What are the pros of changing this habit?

  • What are the cons of continuing this habit?

  • Who does my habit affect?

  • Why do I want to change this habit?

Don’t forget that to get the results you deserve, you need to commit to a long-term goal of getting rid of your bad habit!

Analyse Your Habit:

  • When do I engage in my habit?

  • Where do I engage in my habit?

  • Why do I engage in my habit?

  • How often do I engage in my habit?

Ask these questions every time you feel tempted to engage in your habit and record the results over time. If you find any patterns, start there. This awareness will help you start to break down and cut out your bad habit. 

Replace Your Bad Habit With A Better Habit:

This popular method, also known as identify and substitute, is a great way to replace your bad habits with healthier, for fulfilling ones. 

Set Goals And Rewards:

Rewarding yourself regularly is key to committing to a long-term goal of breaking your habit. If you’ve gone clean eating for a week, treat yourself with a chocolate bar! If you haven’t bitten your nails for a month, get a mani-pedi!

Don’t forget, having a positive relationship with your body is just as important as breaking a habit! Look after yourself and keep rocking on!

Follow Your Progress:

Once you’ve analysed the problems and patterns with your habit, start your journey to success! 

Answer the question β€˜How will I get there?’ and start working your way there. Create a goal date to be free from your habit and watch yourself get closer and closer to getting there while making milestones to keep you going!

Get Support:

Getting someone to support and help you throughout your journey to break your bad habits is a great way to connect and help each other.

 If you are ever struggling with your habit, (for example, having a craving, being tempted to bite your nails or scrolling through social media) you can have someone there to speak to and get motivation from. This could be a friend, family member, counsellor, or even a pet. This reliance makes you much less likely to slip up!

Be Patient:

Though this is one of the hardest aspects to accept, breaking habits takes time. A lot of it. 

Depending on the person and habit, it could take anywhere from 20 to 365 days to stop a bad habit, give or take a few days. Using your supporter, work together to find the motivation to keep going, even when you feel like giving up. You got this!

The Bottom Line:

Breaking habits takes time and effort. Despite the inevitable slip every once and awhile, and the potential giving up, you got this! Anything is possible when you put your mind to it! Don’t forget to look after your mind and body and to start today! It is never too late to get rid of a bad habit!

Are you ready to take on the challenge? Leave a comment below telling me your bad habit and what YOU are going to do to get rid of it!

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Hi, I’m Mia!


Teen dream celebrates, supports and connects young women of all shapes, sizes, ages, races and beliefs. Our website is dedicated to helping young women find balance in life, become organised, stay…




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