How To Find Your Learning Style And Learn The RIGHT Way!

Do you ever struggle to learn and memorise information when studying for a test?

Or do you ever think “Damn, why can’t I just remember this!” Hell yeah I did!

Learning Style.jpg

Learning in general can be pretty hard. But what if you’re doing it the wrong way? This post is all about learning styles, and finding the right one for YOU so you can learn the RIGHT way! Keep Reading!

But what is a learning style?

A learning style is defined as the unique collection of individual skills and preferences that affect how a person perceives, gathers, processes and memorises information. 

For me, I’m a verbal and auditory learner who has some logical learner habits. This means I retain information best when someone else speaks aloud or I read information. So, when I study for a test, I type out my notes, print them out, and read them aloud or in my head. And for me, this style works great!

However, everyone is completely different. Meaning they learn differently. And though finding your learning style takes a lot of trial and error, in the long run, it is completely worth it! 

So keep reading! Here is “How To Find Your Learning Style and Learn the RIGHT Way!”


Verbal Learner

Verbal Learners:

  • Verbal learners are great with words! (Written or spoken)

  • They process information best when it is individually read, verbally discussed or listened to. 

  • Verbal learners tend to make great writers or public speakers.

Visual Learners:

  • Visual learners uses visual elements such as graphs, charts, maps and diagrams to understand information.

  • They learn best when you can physically see what you are studying.

  • They often enjoy using images or aesthetically pleasing notes to memorise content. 

Visual Learner
Auditory Learner

Auditory Learners:

  • Auditory learners retain information better when they hear it. 

  • This information is usually presented in a spoken format, for example music, speeches and lectures. 

  • They memorise their content through repeatedly listening to it.

Logical Learners- 

  • Logical learners do well when studying maths and logical reasoning. 

  • They learn through finding connections, relationships and similarities in concepts.

  • They often ask a lot of questions and want to know the whole picture.

Logical Learner
Social Learner

Social Learners:

  • Social learners learn best when they have other people around to discuss and communicate their learnings with.

  • They enjoy class discussions, social activities or one-on-one discussions.  

  • They are usually extroverted and prefer company rather than being on their own.

Kinesthetic Learners:

  • Kinesthetic learners use their sense of touch and the ability to move to help them learn best. 

  • They use hands-on work to learn the concepts in order to understand them.

  • They may find it hard to sit still for a long period of time. 

Kinesthetic Learner


Finding your learning style, like anything, is a process. 

Though there are many tests online to help you find you learning style, I recommend finding your learning style through trial and error.

What’s important is that you figure out what style works best for you. Though you can have more than 1, everyone usually has a dominant style. 

Here’s an example. If you are studying, do you…

A. Rewrite notes multiple times and/or repeat them aloud (Verbal)

B. Focus best when you are moving or interacting with physical representations (Kinesthetic)

C. Draw diagrams, symbols and use colour to segment and memorise your work (Visual)

D. Listen to lectures, podcasts or voice recordings to memorise information (Auditory)

E. Ask lots of questions and find relationships between ideas to understand them (Logical)

F. Discuss concepts with your class, friends or family members (Social)

Sometimes the way we learn isn’t actually the easiest way. This is why I really recommend trying every style and seeing what works for you!

You may even know your learning style without even realising it. However, It’s a good idea to try out other styles as you may find that you learn better using another method or that it may solidify the style you’re already using.

It may not seem worthwhile now, but it is in the long run! This is since we learn new things every day! Experimenting with every style will not only figure out what style you enjoy the most, but it may also surprise you how much easier other ways are. 



  • Summarise your notes by reading them aloud multiple times

  • Create flashcards to place around your study area

  • Rewrite all of your notes on paper or a computer multiple times

  • Include rhymes, acronyms, poems and other verbal concepts to help you remember your learning material


  • When remembering new chunks of information, try to visualise it in your mind

  • Draw illustrations or diagrams where possible when studying

  • Use highlighters to colour code your work, making it easier to see

  • Watch videos about what you are learning about

  • Work in a quiet location


  • Join in class discussions or study groups wherever possible

  • Ensure your study space is silent and that there are no auditory distractions

  • Recite facts, quotes or dates aloud 

  • Record information and play on repeat through headphones

  • Before a test, get a friend to quiz you on the content


  • Add a step-by-step sequence to all of your learning goals

  • Use lists to categorise the content you learn

  • Approach your content by breaking it down into segments, finding how one concept leads to another

  • Ask questions in class as often as possible


  • Get people to quiz you on your content

  • Discuss what you are learning with friends, family or classmates

  • Involve yourself in study groups where possible

  • Get a study buddy!


  • Take 5 minute study breaks every 20-30 minutes to keepyourself engaged

  • When studying, include physical activity like pacing or walking while reading notes

  • If you struggle to focus at a desk, try studying on your bed or with music in the background.

  • Create physical representations of your learning such as models or replicas

  • Try doing something physical when you are studying, such as squeezing a stress ball

  • Find subtle ways to fidget during class without distracting others

  • Sit in different locations when studying different topics. This is so you find associations between subjects and locations.

What Is Your Learning Style? Comment Below! I’d love to hear it!

Don’t Forget To Ask Any Questions!


Hi, I’m Mia!


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