High School Tips You Need To Know!

At times, high school can be stressful, overwhelming and seemingly unbearable! 


Trying to find a balance between school, home and social life can be a real struggle to overcome. Whether you recently started highschool or are in your final year, the key to fitting in, getting good grades and being happy may still be a mystery to you. So...

As a high school student myself, I have compiled a list of 8 High School Tips YOU Need To Know!

Hope You Enjoy!

Avoid Drama:

High school drama sucks! Not only does it cost you so much time and breath, but you almost always end up upset or targetted. If you find yourself in a group where drama is the norm, say something about it or consider moving with a new crowd. Just remember, however, that a bit of drama is to be expected.

You Are Not Your Grades:

Grades are a massive part of high school. Every term like clockwork, your life becomes hectic and filled with exams and assignments. This time can be overwhelming and can often lead to stress and burnout. 

Bad grades are completely normal! So you shouldn’t let yourself feel defeated if you get one. Just keep going with your head high! Things will get better!

If you want to get my ‘Top 10 Study Tips’, fill the form below to get a free PDF book and weekly planner!

Be Yourself:

No one can be a better you than you. Clichè, right? Listen to me when I tell you there is NOTHING wrong with being yourself! You should not have to change yourself for other people. If you do feel like you aren’t being accepted as you are, leave! There is nothing worse than pretending to be someone you’re not. Or being told to be someone you’re not. 

Don’t Skip Class:

Truanting, also known as skipping class, is not a great habit to get into. Not only do you almost always get caught and get in trouble, but it can really affect your grades and knowledge. If you are receiving peer pressure from friends to leave school or spend a class in the bathrooms, you ideally want to kindly decline their offer. 

Don’t Gossip:

Just like being a part of drama, gossiping is such a bad habit. Whether it is intentional or not, it always ends up badly. Saying one secret to a friend can easily lead to a school-wide rumour which will end up one way, with you or someone else alone and without any friends. The lesson? Don’t do it!

Set Goals:

Setting goals is a great way to go through high school with straight A’s! By manifesting good results and setting high goals, you can do anything you put your mind to! Though you obviously need to input hard work to bring these goals to life, putting up a goal board somewhere you’ll see often is a perfect way to remind yourself of your assets. However, if you put your mind to something and don’t end up achieving it, don’t get discouraged. Keep trying harder for next time!

Create A Balance:

Creating a balance between school work and social life is super important for keeping up with school work and not leaving your friends hanging. Try to meet up as often as possible without putting your grades on the line. If you have strict parents, you may want to try and bargain to help allow you to get good grades while having a social life. 

Own A Binder:

Despite it sounding kinda nerdy, owning a binder is the ideal way to organise your entire high school life. In your binder should be everything you could possibly need at any moment. This includes your timetable, weekly schedule, awards, money, exam and assignment notifications, marks, homework and fly-away sheets to take home. 

The Bottom Line:

Overall, high school is a different experience for everyone. Depending on your friendships, home situation and learning style, some people may find different approaches to these tips work better for them.

If you are ever struggling with high school, mental health or friendships, feel free to DM me on Instagram @miasteendream or to email me by clicking the button below:

High school can sometimes be annoying, overwhelming and upsetting, but don’t forget to enjoy it! High school is supposed to be some of the best times of your life, so make the most of it while you still can!

Leave a comment asking me any other questions you have about high school!

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Hi, I’m Mia!


Teen dream celebrates, supports and connects young women of all shapes, sizes, ages, races and beliefs. Our website is dedicated to helping young women find balance in life, become organised, stay…


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