10 Habits That Lead To High School Success

Good habits are the basis for a successful life. As we go through high school, we carry all of our habits in our back pocket. Everything we learn from our entire life; the good, bad and ugly, are waiting to be used in any given moment. 

But is this enough to get through high school with success? According to the statistics, it isn’t. 


So, as a high school student myself,  I’ve compiled my top 10 Habits That Lead To High School Success! These habits will help you succeed for the rest of your life. Enjoy!

1. Practise Gratitude:

Practising gratitude is a great way to connect with all your aspects of health and to find happiness and peace with your life, no matter how fortunate you are.  By writing 3 things that you are grateful for every morning, writing 3 things that made you happy at the end of the day and writing a daily diary or journal prompt, you set yourself up for a life of happiness, joy and improved health and relationships.

2. Read, Read, Read:

Reading is one of the most important habits to make as a child or teenager! As you advance into high school (and eventually university), you are required to complete more and more tasks based around reading. If you can’t enjoy reading a book, you will find it much harder to analyse books and complete tasks. By university, everything you learn is based around books and reading. That’s why it’s so important to extend your knowledge and benefit your writing by reading!

Start reading today! It is never too late to read for 10-30 minutes every day and to find a love for the stories people tell. In the long run, this will benefit you so much!

3. Study Daily:

By late high school, studying will become 2nd nature. You will need to study for 2 or more hours every night! Rather than making a jump from 0 to 2 hours of studying per night, slowly build up how much time you study every night. In year 7, study 20 minutes per night then 40 minutes  in year 8, and so on. This a great habit and study tool which will lead you to success.

If you want to learn more about the study side of high school success, download my FREE Guide filled with my Top 10 Study Tips for more information!

4. Respect Your Environment:

Though this doesn’t necessarily relate to high school, respecting your environment is super important. If you ever have rubbish, please put it in a bin! And if there aren’t any bins nearby, keep it with you until you find one. As Gen Z, it is super important to nurture the environment by keeping it clean!

5. Arrive On Time:

Whether you are arriving for school, a party or your first job interview, please oh please do not be late! I know that life happens, and that you can’t help traffic or weather, but being late (and walking in late) can often be considered as rude and inconsiderate. 

6. Follow The Golden Rule:

‘Treat others the way you want to be treated.’ Wise words of wisdom, these are! Having the golden rule in mind whenever you interact with people is super important for long-lasting friendships, mental health and overall happiness!

Getting involved with gossip and drama isn’t ideal with the effects it leaves on your mental health. To increase your performance, you want to steer clear while doing you, rocking life and being kind. 

7. Never Give Up:

This one is a game changer. Having a mindset that never gives up is like a war that can never be lost. Having this motivation allows you to try, try and try again without setback. I know it takes time to create such a habit, but saying ‘I won’t give up’ makes you practically unstoppable. You go girl!

8. Eat Healthy:

Eating healthy is super important for looking after your mind and body. It affects you positively in almost any way possible and improves your mental health, happiness, focus and overall grades. 

Though having the occasional treat is necessary to calm cravings, the majority of what you eat should be natural, nutritious and delicious. 

9. Keep Active:

Getting in at least an hour of exercise everyday is just as important as eating healthy. As a teen or tween, it is so important to start making life-long habits that will allow you to live a longer, happier life. Some ideas of activity include at home workouts, extra curricular sport activities (like dance, soccer, netball, basketball e.t.c.) going for a run or bike ride or completing school sport during class or at lunch. 

10. Look After Your Mental Health:

To avoid any signs of burnout, looking after your mental health is extremely important. Your mental health controls your overall happiness making it a top priority to look after. To look after your mental health, allocate time every week to do something you love, to relax and to enjoy the world around you. 

Bottom Line:

Though developing habits take time, dedication, patience and effort to form, good habits last forever!

Now is the perfect time for you to create these habits to live a healthier, happier and more successful high school life! It may take you a few weeks, or it may take a year. But don’t forget to stay motivated to create the life you deserve! 

It’s your turn!

Don’t forget to like, share and leave a comment on this post with 3 specific ways YOU are going to implement these habits to your life!


Hi, I’m Mia!


Teen dream celebrates, supports and connects young women of all shapes, sizes, ages, races and beliefs. Our website is dedicated to helping young women find balance in life, become organised, stay…

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